  • When I go anywhere I see that hundreds of car goes with one person sitting in it. I always think that in multi nationals and other big organizations there are many folks that comes to office same time and leaves at almost same time.

    What is the reason they can't share the ride? When I discussed with few of my pals at my location, I got following views:
    - Problems in syncing the time
    - For sharing ride with complete unknown, there is risk of crime
    - Their privacy

    My view is, do you think all of these things are above environment? We at Indians are in top list who consume fuel, can we reduce this?

    I come across a very interesting website, that is working on the same idea (and won many awards for start-ups) and making some money to passenger, driver as well as the mediator who started this idea.


    Do you think sharing ride make sense?? What is your view on these type of ideas???

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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorDec 19, 2013

    I believe these ideas will only pop into the heads of people hailing from Bangalore or Pune or heavy traffic cities. Because it did in mine! 😁

    When you are struggling with the two wheeler in a car-smoke polluted atmosphere, and you see at all those people going single on the driver's seat, all you feel is this - 😡

    I think a lot of IT companies have implemented Car Pooling services and are successfully running them. Anyone here a part of such a system?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorDec 19, 2013

    Does make sense - and I think that's the idea behind having a very strong public transport system.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberDec 19, 2013

    We all are just looking at the positive side of it, I know it has numerous positives.

    Does any one thinks that sharing rides with un-knowns may not be a very good idea, especially for females? Do you think that calls for crime like sexual assultation?

    I believe we all must heave heard something similar things in newspapers, social media. Any idea to fix those cons before saying 'YES' to the sharing rides??

    Anyone thinks that I am making a bit of sense???

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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberDec 19, 2013

    In my company they provide mandatory free transport (negotiating in CTC), it encourages people to come in cab. Though people come in own vehicle but most of them come in cab only.
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  • KSS Manian

    MemberDec 19, 2013

    @#-Link-Snipped-# - It really helps to reduce the pollution. May helps to economy also.

    Here an apartment in chennai following a nice idea. They kept the black board in car park which contains the flat number & contact details & message.

    They will write the destination, time, seat accomodation etc.. So if you are going to the same destination, then you can join with them.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberDec 20, 2013

    Anil Jain
    Does any one thinks that sharing rides with un-knowns may not be a very good idea, especially for females? Do you think that calls for crime like sexual assultation?
    I am sure that it would not affect the women and if that's the main concern then a cab specially run by women can be a better solution because if women driving a auto is possible then why can't the cab or a car?
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberDec 20, 2013

    SarathKumar Chandrasekaran
    I am sure that it would not affect the women and if that's the main concern then a cab specially run by women can be a better solution because if women driving a auto is possible then why can't the cab or a car?
    CABs 😳😳😳
    Did you actually read the topic??
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberDec 20, 2013

    I had totally messed it.
    sorry friends i thought about CABs.
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  • Anoop Mathew

    MemberDec 21, 2013

    I take a friend with me on my scooter. Most guys in my company also do the same. So we 'actually' practice this system of sharing our 'two-wheeler' pillion seats. This way, it's mutually helpful as each person gets to share the petrol expense thereby reducing the time and cost of boarding a bus by upto 50% every month!

    One View:
    Cars are comfortable, but unless you're the boss of your own company you wouldn't want to get stuck in a traffic jam in a 4 wheeler! I see a lot of family men who have cars who also use a two-wheeler for easier and single use commuting. They keep the car for family use - thus saving our resources and most importantly - our precious time!

    Another View:

    Some people feel that two-wheelers are not safe for commuting as they are more prone to accidents. Maybe that's why some men use a 4 wheeler and (are willing to get stuck in traffic) for the sake of safety - thereby (financial) safety of their family!

    P.S.: If you fall under the category of people who work within less than 4km radius of your home, then you should consider using a bicycle (and a raincoat) - a much healthier option in the long run.
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