Shall the geek inherit the Earth- Engineering Politicians?

There is an ongoing discussion in the UK that there is a woeful lack of understanding of science and engineering among the powers that be. The less said the better in the Indian scene. I am sure that the same sad story is true in virtually every country.
Should there be an engineering/Science internship for politicians so that more meaningful policies for development can result?


  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    I've always believed that engineers will eventually take control of the world. I'm not sure whether politicians with background in engineering are better.
  • Ankita Katdare
    Ankita Katdare
    There are people in the engineering community who would laugh at people who enter the 'management business' by getting MBA degrees or anything equivalent. There are people who think if you are into a technical job, you shouldn't leave it.
    Now, we can only vote for the people who stand, and only people who are interested can run for office in the first place. Will a geek really want to be in a huge controlling position?
    Lets not call them Geek,Dr.Manmohan Singh is not geek .Graduation should be made compulsory to take part for ministerial application. Take case of Mr. Akhilesh Yadav,Narendre Damodardas Modi, Shivraj Singh (Gold medalist in MA.philosophy);engineers are increasing and will eventually take part in politics as India goes foreward on growth track .
  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Geeks is a very generic term. Politicians have a different business to do and knowledge of technology can certainly help in better administration. Meetings could be held on Video Conferences, the ministers could operate their offices right from the field and so on.

    In general, everyone should have basic technical knowledge; computing, electricity, chemicals and so on. Those who're in responsible position should have more knowledge about general use of technology.
    often They are trained when they attain ministerial positions by sending them to week long or month long training program

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