  • momin

    MemberMay 19, 2009

    servo motor power requirements

    hey everybody,
    im using a servo motor for my FYP, the servo im using is Parallax standard servo motor. which is manufacured by Futaba. the motor is used to lift a small and light piece of wood (45 g, 10 cm) or (0.45 i wish to know how much current would this motor drain under 5 V. (while moving and while breaking)
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  • zorif

    MemberJun 7, 2009

    give me more details of this servo.
    if this is industrial type of servo(comes with driver and encoder).then u can't measure the current.bcz servo will draw the current as per requirement.imean current as per load.

    or if is just the small servo that ppl use in their robotic applicatiopns (comes with just 3 wires) supply,Gnd,Pulse) then u can measure the current drawn in series with the supply line.
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