  • momin

    MemberApr 28, 2009

    servo complication

    hey guys,
    i have just bought a standard parallax servo motor. this motor has the same properties as futaba motors. the problem is when i apply the PWM signal to the motor control pin the motor rotates but not as expected. what i know is that the signal should go high for ( 1 to 2 ms) and then low for 20ms.
    1 ms should move the shaft to one extreme and 2 ms should move it to the other one.
    am i right? if so what could be the problem.
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  • roman123

    MemberMay 2, 2009

    Try to check that the power supply gives positive voltage. If you provide -5V instead of 5V to the servo, it will rotate the opposite way.

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  • shahrul

    MemberMay 6, 2009

    You check the signal on the oscilloscope, is that the signal meet what you need.
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  • Rifaa

    MemberMay 9, 2009

    @ momin. Post your schematic. then only I can help
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