Member • Sep 11, 2011
Seminar presentation skills -How to deliver high impacting Seminar!
Lot of people hate presentation, it scares to dealth in many situations. But taking few time to prepare for presentation will really bring a relaxing situation for anyone.I know that , If you want to deliver relaxed & informative presentation then praticing with correct mindset is required along with the study of the topic.
Please suggest some ideas to deliver high impacting seminars.
I am listing few key points please add more :
1.First Impression - Polish your presenation with voice and body lauguage to make effectiveness.
2.Panic Free Presentation
3.Adding variety
4.Establishing Rapport with the Audience
5.Make more effective use of visual aids and multimedia technology
Please suggest some ideas to deliver high impacting seminars.
I am listing few key points please add more :
1.First Impression - Polish your presenation with voice and body lauguage to make effectiveness.
2.Panic Free Presentation
3.Adding variety
4.Establishing Rapport with the Audience
5.Make more effective use of visual aids and multimedia technology