  • Sapience 2011 is Technical Symposium conducted by Sri Vasavi Institute of Engineering and Technology.

    There are various technical events conducted for students around the nation, that would help them enhance their technical capabilities.

    The Events include:

    Paper Presentation:

    This competition is held for students in all the Engineering disciplines. Different topics for different branches will be given.
    Computer Science- Multimedia and Bio-informatics, Cryptography and Network Security, etc
    Electronics and Communication Engineering- Signal and Image Processing, Senors and Applications, etc
    Electrical Engineering- Non Conventional Energy Sources, Power Electronic Converters, etc
    Civil Engineering- Concrete Technology, Soil Mechanics, etc.
    Mechanical Engineering- Nanotechnology, Cryogenics, etc.

    Poster Presentation:
    Poster competition for students of all Engineering Streams, where the idea should be expressed within confined space.

    Technical Exhibition:
    Exhibition of working models. All latest innovations in science and technology which also includes software and hardware.

    Kaun Banega Technopati:
    It is a program similar to KBC. It requires over all expertise on respective engineering branches. There will be a screening test depending on number of number of registered candidates. It is an individual competition.

    For more details and registration, visit their website-
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