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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJun 6, 2014

    Buy Moto G & save 5K to 6K of your dimes.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 6, 2014

    Abhishek Rawal
    Buy Moto G & save 5K to 6K of your dimes.
    But that continues to be out of stock.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJun 6, 2014

    Kaustubh Katdare
    But that continues to be out of stock.
    Today early morning I saw 16 GB version was in stock.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 6, 2014

    Abhishek Rawal
    Today early morning I saw 16 GB version was in stock.
    I doubt it. They didn't send a notifications. The 'Available Now' is disguising. They've been showing that message but when you actually visit the product page; it shows out of stock. I wonder whether they are actually not being able to figure out the stock they should have.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJun 6, 2014

    Like I said, Early morning I saw it. But now when I search it there's no 16 GB model of Moto G. They have removed 16 GB version, I guess. Weird! Why would they do so ?
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
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