  • CE Designer
    CE Designer

    MemberNov 22, 2011

    Salt Water Pumps

    Hello to the great minds at CE.
    I work alot with pumps. How would a stainless steel impeller or shaft stand up in salt water conditions?
    I have soem idea but feel free to tell me what you know.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberNov 23, 2011

    CE Designer
    Hello to the great minds at CE.
    I work alot with pumps. How would a stainless steel impeller or shaft stand up in salt water conditions?
    I have soem idea but feel free to tell me what you know.
    More info needed. Salt concentration, temperature and whether the fluid is static for long. Also the grade of SS used. Coorosion depends a lot on operating conditions. Generally for sea water at temperatures below 50C and continuously flowing (satuarated with dissolved air) 306 SS should work without problem.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberNov 23, 2011

    CE Designer
    Hello to the great minds at CE.<br>
    I work alot with pumps. How would a stainless steel impeller or shaft stand up in salt water conditions?<br>
    I have soem idea but feel free to tell me what you know.
    <br>More info needed. Salt concentration, temperature and whether the fluid is static for long. Also the grade of SS used. Coorosion depends a lot on operating conditions. Generally for sea &nbsp;water at temperatures below 50C and continuously flowing (satuarated with dissolved air) 316 SS should work without problem.
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    MemberNov 23, 2011

    You see, stainless steel has 16% chromium. So it is well guarded against salinity. These pumps are widely used in many places. What is the idea behind you asking this query?
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  • CE Designer

    MemberNov 29, 2011

    Just exploring possibilities. Currently we use SS for the shaft only, just trying to figure out, lets say how a SS impeller will perform in salt water. I cant say what temperatures but they run between 1200-1800 RPM. Sandy environment.
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