  • I have been working in a small company in chandigarh. I have 1 year of experience in software testing. I am willing to switch the company in a good company. Please suggest me. I want to work in NCR/Chandigarh in a good company with a good package. Currently, I am getting 1.2pa only. How much can i expect after switch?

    I would love to switch into database testing or automation testing. I have seen most of the good companies recruit 2-3 years of experience candidates. Please suggest to me.
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberJul 6, 2013

    In NCR, a decent company pays you (This works till 10 year of experience) somewhere around

    Very Handsome = Years of Exp. * 2
    Decent = Years of Exp * 1.5
    You need to look for option if less than 1.5 😀

    If you have some experience in DB or Automation testing that will help you in getting your new job. Other wise only on manual testing with 1 year of experience it will be difficult for you.

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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 6, 2013

    Well, my advice would be to stick to your company for at least one more year. One year of experience won't really count as 'experience' for most of the companies. I could be wrong though; but expecting a good salary jump with one year of experience could lead to disappointment.

    I'd say your action plan should be like this:-

    1. Try and develop expertise into as many sub-domains as you can in testing viz. Database Testing, Automation (learn PERL, QTP, Ruby, jUnit, SilkTest, Selenium and so on).

    2. Try to get certification in testing.

    3. Make sure that you've some accomplishments to show off. This would be easier to get when you're working in a smaller company.

    4. With 2 years of experience and all of the above; apply to bigger companies / MNCs and then negotiate your salary like anything! I'm sure you will get at least 1.5x to even 2x (if you're really awesome) the salary you're getting.
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