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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberApr 29, 2012

    What sachin will do as MP.
    40% time he will play play cricket.
    40% busy in advertisement
    remain 20% for Rajyasabha😨.

    there are lots of celebrities and people other than political field nominated for Rajyasabha but there is no benefit.They attend sessions less than a guy. and very less questions they ask.
    I don't think he is going to do some benefit to country in being MP.
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    MemberApr 29, 2012

    Sachin is going to die one day. But we have our lives left to live. It is best not to unnecessarily comment about the issue.
    For laughter's sake-

    Here is what Government says officially-

    Here is what it wants unofficially!
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  • ~on*kiyu

    MemberApr 30, 2012

    i just support the issue. as a parliamentarian he cannot do any good to people if he is in the cricket field.
    but the case of his political approach can change when he will be resigned from cricket. if he is able to detect the pulse of INDIA he can surely do good things to people...........
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  • Mr.Don

    MemberApr 30, 2012

    I'm Not eligible to talk on him though. Some people work hard for money, some for their nation and some for pride but he's a mixture of all and he's our nations pride too. I've been watching him since I was a toddler and I don't think he'll throw away opportunities. I respect him and I'm only looking forward for his next move. He's brilliant manager of things and he has good conduct, hasn't he? He's good player and good human and probably that's what the reason we're praising him as God of Cricket but the thing(may be) we cannot digest is he, joining congress. hmm, but he's definitely not one of those who's bad (Certainly I'm speaking about the persons that we feel bad). He has done some welfare activities during his career and A new face is always appreciable in politics (even though he's not for us) and hope he will do good for our country. It's very little(or nothing) we can change/do about this - I feel.
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    MemberJul 8, 2012

    He has the potential , we hope that things improve under him
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