Member • Jun 13, 2012
Robots Learn Their Stealth-Mode Antics From Cockroaches!
A team from the #-Link-Snipped-# is considering cockroaches and geckos for the creation of a novel range of search and rescue robots. The experts have devised a six-legged robot named DASH(Dynamic Autonomous Sprawled Hexapod), which has the required slyness of the cockroach. In the online journal PLoS ONE, UC Berkley graduate Jean-Michel Mongeau stated how his team observed how the cockroach employs its antennae to sense the gaps. As the gaps were made wider, the cockroaches moved below the ramp. High definition cameras revealed that the roaches did the grabbing and swinging with their hind legs. Same way, geckos used their toenails to swing and crawl under the ledges. Along with Robert Full, professor of integrative biology, the team was able to ifuse natural life like behavior into DASH.
Few robots exist that run well, whereas few exist that climb well, but the need to develop robots good in both running and climbing has made scientists develop robots that may reach places their metal ancestors could not. Once designed, these robots are also expected to save lives.
Few robots exist that run well, whereas few exist that climb well, but the need to develop robots good in both running and climbing has made scientists develop robots that may reach places their metal ancestors could not. Once designed, these robots are also expected to save lives.