  • Deitel

    MemberDec 3, 2013

    Remotely actuating valves

    I am working as a vacation engineer in a gas distribution company in Australia. My supervisor has given me a task of coming up with a disign plan to install remotely operable actuators in to currently operating valves in the pipeline.
    Types of valves are Richards R92 and Audco LW 13
    I contacted a supplier and got a remendation of a remotely operable actuator.
    How do I design a mounting bracket and the transition coupling?
    I am suppose to make a sketch as well, I would like to get some guidance on these matters and some assistance going forward with the project. Any help is greatly appreciated.
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    MemberDec 4, 2013

    <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Remotely actuating a valve - Schlumberger Technology Corporation</a>

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