  • Hi,

    I am sorry if this thread looks irrelevant, Ive asked this query on various forums but found no answers. Moreover I couldnt find proper laptop query forums which answer queries quickly. So while checking your site today, I got this idea of asking you, Please provide some info if you know answers to any of these -

    I bought a hpdv6700 special edition notebook a week back. I have some queries about it, I tried my best to explain my questions in detail, I request you to answer them -

    1) Do I need to charge my laptop for the first time for __ number of hours ??. I charged it initially for a couple of hours, I saw that its 95% charged. Then I unplugged it and started using it, and within 30mins, I saw the charge comedown to that normal?..For how long will a 6 cell battery give power backup? ..I request you to provide some clear information on battery backup and charging.

    2) Hard disk size is 250gb. But I see two drives here named localdisk(C) - 220 GB and HP_RECOVERY- 12 GB. So where is the other 18 GB??...I am sorry if my question sounds too naive but this is the first time I am using a harddrive of this big size with vista installed on it, so please tell me if that is how it is supposed to be.

    3) Out of the 220 GB of Localdisk (C), around 55GB is already filled with vista and HP related stuff. But when I check the individual files, they do not occupy more than 25GB!! that because of some hidden files or something that ivent counted while checking??? much space does vista occupy?..also the HP_RECOVERY drive is almost full. So out of 250 GB is my effective usage only around 170 GB ????.

    4) I see a remote control holder kind of a plug point on the right, but I fail to understand how to place the remote properly there, coz when i try putting it inside I am unable to take it out easily. Is it for remote actually or is it for something else??..

    5) Is it true that on vista machines like this, we cannot install any other OS? and even if we do we will have driver problems. So am I supposed to use Vista and Vista alone ??.

    Please answer these questions as soon as possible.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 16, 2008

    Welcome to CE, William. Your search ends on CE. Say bye to all other forums and join hands with us! [​IMG]

    j/k !

    Alright, I'll try to answer your questions one by one -

    1. Laptop battery consumption depends on various factors. If you are burning CD or watching movies, with screen brightness set to max, the battery will surely go down fast. As far as 6 cell battery is concerned, I guess the behavior is normal, you can't expect more from 6 cell battery & 15-17 inch screen. Don't worry, your laptop & battery are normal.

    2. Do this: Right click on 'Computer' -> Manage -> Continue -> Computer Management window opens. Go to Storage/Disk Management. Probably, the remaining space is unpartitioned.

    3. My best guess is that you have lot of setup files and unwanted software available on your computer hard drive (C😀. Try enabling "View Hidden Files & Folders" in any explorer window. Let us know your findings.

    4. No, that's not remote, but rather this -> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Expresscard</a>

    5. If you have Vista, you will not be able to install Win XP, Win 9x. Of course, you can install them, but the procedure is to install the earlier version of Windows first and then the latest. No one in the world can stop you from installing Unix based OS on your machine.

    I hope I've answered your questions. Others, please let me know if my answers are correct.
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  • williamkane

    MemberOct 16, 2008

    hello Big K,

    Thanks for your reply. Definitely one of the fastest replies I have ever received. Now when I know that I cannot get faster and clear replies anywhere else, I will obviously stick to crazyengineers 😀 .

    By the way, I checked if the remaining 18gb out of 250 gb has been left unpartitioned. But there I see only 232.22 GB overall. I cannot see any unpartitioned space. So I still dont understand where did that 18 gb go 😔 .

    And I also checked for hidden files and none of them were so huge to increase the disk occupancy so much. It would be of great help if some user of Vista & HP laptop combo can tell me what was their C drive space before installing any programs. Any rough estimate will do. Please help me understand my laptop 😀 .
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 16, 2008

    Thanks for your good words 😁 I guess CEan - Rahuljam can help you, he's THE ONE who can answer.

    Anyone else knows what's going on inside William's HP notebook?
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  • williamkane

    MemberOct 31, 2008

    Hello BIG K,

    I just wanted to tell you that I have finally found answers to my questions posted in this thread. They are as follows -

    for 2) The reason why I see 232GB instead of 250GB is because Computer manufacturers take one GB as 1000 MB and 1 MB as 1000 KB and 1 KB as 1000 bytes. Now
    (1000(bytes)x1000(KB)x1000(MB)x250(GB)) / (1024(bytes)x1024(KB)x1024(MB)x250(GB)) = 232.83 GB (this is the reply i got when I asked this question on a different forum, I feel this is right)

    for 3) The missing space was consumed by the SYSTEM RESTORE feature. (again, answered by the same guy).

    I sincerely thank you for your enthusiastic replies. The moment I created a thread for my query, I was expecting the mod to delete it calling it irrelevant as this is no laptop help forum. But I was completely flattered when moderator was the only guy who took the pain to answer my questions. Brilliant effort. You will only inspire me to address the queries and problems of people around rather than ignore them. Thanks again 😀.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 31, 2008

    William, we all are happy that you have found answers to your questions. We are more happy that you cared to share the answers you found with us, so that they will help others.

    We are engineers over here and we are uniting to make the world a better place to live. We hope you are with us!

    This is bit off-topic, but I thought I'd post it here. Keep up the CEan spirit!
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  • Anil Jain

    MemberOct 31, 2008

    Hello BIG K,

    I just wanted to tell you that I have finally found answers to my questions posted in this thread. They are as follows -

    for 2) The reason why I see 232GB instead of 250GB is because Computer manufacturers take one GB as 1000 MB and 1 MB as 1000 KB and 1 KB as 1000 bytes. Now
    (1000(bytes)x1000(KB)x1000(MB)x250(GB)) / (1024(bytes)x1024(KB)x1024(MB)x250(GB)) = 232.83 GB (this is the reply i got when I asked this question on a different forum, I feel this is right)

    for 3) The missing space was consumed by the SYSTEM RESTORE feature. (again, answered by the same guy).

    I sincerely thank you for your enthusiastic replies. The moment I created a thread for my query, I was expecting the mod to delete it calling it irrelevant as this is no laptop help forum. But I was completely flattered when moderator was the only guy who took the pain to answer my questions. Brilliant effort. You will only inspire me to address the queries and problems of people around rather than ignore them. Thanks again 😀.

    I was away so I saw this thread a little late. This missing disk space we had already discussed at #-Link-Snipped-#. May be this may help you in enhancing your knowledge a little more.

    Thanks for the good words for CE, We hope that you will continue posting on CE and would be a active CEan

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