  • What I know
    Raspberry Pi is chip board which is capable of working as small CPU box and can be connected to any Tv
    This is picture of latest Raspberry Pi board.
    Following is the Chip

    What I need to know-
    • Best place to buy it locally (India).
    • How easy is setup?
    • If anyone here did the setup please provide your tutorial.
    • Can I configure it to attach a pen drive and connect to TV and it will start playing whatever in pen drive (video, audio, images)?
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  • durga ch

    MemberNov 5, 2013

    not sure if electronics hobby hops sell them
    1. you can order RPi from element14 ( expect delay of about 4-5weeks)
    2. as you already know, its only a CPU. you would still need to gather an input and out devices,( preferably a display and a usb keyboard) as board comes with HDMI and 2 USB ports
    4.The Rasberry starts kit cmes with NOOB which has a listing of possible OS what can be installed. For media centre features, XBMC seems to be apt

    i think- w.r.t question 3 and other questions tagging @#-Link-Snipped-#.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberNov 5, 2013

    - You can buy it online from #-Link-Snipped-#. Don't forget to buy an SD card.
    - Setup is pretty easy. Follow the guide #-Link-Snipped-#
    - Yes you can connect external USB HD or other devices.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberNov 5, 2013

    First and foremost, Don't buy from element14, they take around month in shipping (@#-Link-Snipped-# might suggest you same). Try element14 affiliated Indian store, <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Raspberry pi products | Beaglebone black products - Crazypi India</a> (very good support, fast delivery & sometimes they do have discounts)

    Setup :
    - Buy SDHC Class4 or Class10 4GB to 8 GB (I prefer class-10, due to better speed)
    - In attached image of yours, you see that HDMI slot ? connect HDMI wire in that port & other end into your LCD or HDTV.
    - Connect USB KB & Mouse in the slot given in RPi.
    - Ethernet RJ-45 port is available for internet.
    - Micro usb adapter for RPi (Your Samsung Android charger will do, just cross-check the ratings, most prolly it will be 5V, 0.7A)
    - Download Linux distro from official page of Raspberry Pi (Don't use Pidora unless you're ready to solve bugs on your own, Pidora development has been dropped sadly - I recommend Raspbian) & burn using 'dd' command in Linux. (For windows, I have no idea)

    Under RPi, there is slot for SDHC, just mount it & connect all the accessories (KB,Mouse, etc.etc.) & power up the adapter & LCD/HDTV & it's done!

    • Can I configure it to attach a pen drive and connect to TV and it will start playing whatever in pen drive (video, audio, images)?
    You will need to externally power USB hub & connect it with RPi. (Drawing too much of power from RPi can burn it)
    Pickup multimeter & check the potential from TP1 & TP2 pin on the board. You can use GPIO header to power RPi too, as 5V rail is there.

    Edit : Merging Posts.
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  • durga ch

    MemberNov 5, 2013

    oh! yes. if you have an alternative for element14 please proceed.
    also, another easy way for checking if input voltage is exceeding 5v is by using the normal mobile phone USB travel chargers. Those generally output 5V. also RpI comes with micro USB , s powering it up with a travel adapter is just fine.
    ex: samsung model - ETA-U90HWE
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberNov 5, 2013

    So SD card is HDD for Raspi.

    This looks good: *link is broken #-Link-Snipped-#<a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Raspberry pi products | Beaglebone black products - Crazypi India</a>
    @ INR. 3,400.
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  • [Prototype]

    MemberNov 13, 2013

    Not asked but I'll write anyway as I've faced this problem. Since I live don't live with my family and my name is not Richie Rich, I certainly don't have an TV with HDMI (Don't have a TV at all).

    For those like me, you can still use Pi. All you need is a router. They are pretty cheap like Rs.800-1000. Just install VNC server application on Pi and you can access it from your computer, may be even wireless if you've a wireless router.
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberNov 13, 2013

    There's also an alternative of what @[Prototype] said with around same cost i.e 800-1000.
    It is HDMI to VGA converter.

    Just connect HDMI terminal of HDMI-to-VGA terminal to Raspberry Pi.Now connect,VGA-to-VGA cable (The one you have connected CPU with monitor) to end of VGA of HDMI-to-VGA.
    Inshort it will look something like :
    Raspberry Pi -> HDMI-to-VGA -> VGA-to-VGA -> Monitor.

    Now burn OS in sdcard ,then open sdcard from your PC & you've to make few changes in config.txt (depending on your monitor) & you'll be able to use Raspberry Pi from your generation old monitor.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberNov 14, 2013

    RPi supports composite video out as well. Any old TV can be used as RPi display.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberDec 11, 2013

    In few days going to buy Raspberry, but here is new player in market

    One of the comparison: #-Link-Snipped-#

    Which is good? 😒
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberDec 11, 2013

    Hardware wise : Beaglebone Black

    Community support & overall : Raspberry Pi.

    There's also UDOO, Galileo, Cubieboard, Pcduino ,etc. etc. How many will you compare ? 😛
    I would like to say that, it's RPi who started this revolution of single board computers .It has best & largest community out there. So, my vote goes to RPi.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberDec 13, 2013

    Ordered Raspi from <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Raspberry pi products | Beaglebone black products - Crazypi India</a> @ total sum of Rs.3,671.95. 😀.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberDec 17, 2013

    My Pi has arrived. 😁,
    My camera going to loose it's SD card for some days.
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  • Anand Tamariya

    MemberDec 17, 2013

    Anoop Kumar
    My Pi has arrived. 😁,
    My camera going to loose it's SD card for some days.
    Make that - lose forever!! Unless you are willing to go through the install process again.
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