  • I've done my B.Tech Electronics & Telecom (E&TC) from Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune.
    Currently I'm looking for a job.
    Somebody suggested me to go for the GET profile in the L&T company as they require GET's for production work.
    For this they are looking for B.Tech candidates only from either Civil or E&TC.

    But, my query is that I have no clue what is the job/work of a GET and what kind of work will I have to do if I get selected. I mean in a production profile what will the role of an E&TC person like me will be?

    Please share your thoughts.
    And help me to clear this doubt.

    Thanking you all.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMar 9, 2014

    @#-Link-Snipped-# The work could be related to anything right from Construction Management to Project management and Manufacturing engineering to Technical services.
    I believe GET is a term associated with freshers for ANY company. Be it Infosys or Tata Tech or Cogni or Wipro or L&T.

    They provide GETs with 2-3 months of training and depending on the project requirement, map you into different projects.
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