Qatar announces new version National Building Code!

In the recent Construction Week HSE for Life conference, which was held at Doha on 4th, December, 2011, Qatar announced the arrival of the new version of the National Building Code. Known as QCS 2010 it will cover health, safety and environmental construction practices.

Go through this >> #-Link-Snipped-#

and discuss about the same here! 😁


  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    Can someone post a quick overview of what building codes are? Non civil(ised) engineers 😉 would then be able to participate and understand it better.
  • maria flor
    maria flor
    building codes are rules that architects or civil engineers must be followed in designing buildings or non-building structures in order to ensure safety and protection to the public. Each country has its national building code.

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