Puzzle of Three Gods.

Three gods A, B, and C are called, in some order, Zephyr, Eurus, and Aeolus. The gods always speak truly. Your task is to determine the identities of A, B, and C by asking yes-no questions; each question must be put to exactly one god. The gods understand English and will answer in English.


  • silverscorpion
    I'm assuming we have to ask one question to each God.

    In that case, there are multiple ways to do it.

    Starting with A, ask "Are you Zephyr?"
    If the answer is yes, ask B "Are you Eurus?"
    Depending on the answer, we can figure out who is who, in 2 questions alone.

    If A says No, then ask B the same question. Depending on his answer, we can know who is zephyr.
    Now, to the remaining third god, ask something like "Is he Eurus?", pointing to the one who is not Zephyr.
    If the answer is yes, the God being pointed to is Eurus and the other one is Aeolus.
    If it's no, vice versa.
  • Kaustubh Katdare
    Kaustubh Katdare
    SS - you are speedy. Are puzzle solvers born or made? 😉
  • K Vikrant
    K Vikrant
    A much more difficult version of this puzzle exists on Berkeley riddles website. In that the Gods don't answer in English language.

    There are three omniscient gods sitting in a chamber: GibberKnight, GibberKnave, and GibberKnexus, the gods of the knights, knaves, and knexuses of Gibberland. Knights always answer the truth, knaves always lie, and knexuses always answer the xor of what the knight and knave would answer.

    Unfortunately, the language spoken in Gibberland is so unintelligible that not only do you not know which words correspond to "yes" and "no", but you don't even know what the two words that represent them are! All you know is that there is only one word for each.

    With three questions, determine which god is which.


    Standard: (Rules that are generally assumed unless otherwise noted.) The gods only answer yes/no questions. Each god answers in the single word of their language as appropriate to the question; i.e. each god always gives one of only two possible responses, one affirmative and one negative (e.g. they would always answer "Yes" rather than "That would be true"). Each question asked must be addressed to a single specific god; asking one question to all the gods would constitute three questions. Asking a single god multiple questions is permissible. The question you choose to ask and the god you choose to address may be dynamically chosen based on the answers to previous questions.

    Specific: Because of possible loop conflicts, you may not ask any questions regarding how a knexus would answer.]

    source - wu :: forums - NEW PROBLEM:  The Gods of Gibberland

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