  • As promised, Sony has released PS3 4.45 firmware upgrade for all PS3 machines and most importantly, it fixes all the PS3s that were rendered out of commission by the earlier 4.45 version. The 4.45 version which was released just a few days ago prevented PS3 systems from rebooting and those who could successfully reboot their machines after installing 4.45, the firmware awarded NAT & IP Fragment issues. Sony confirms that the latest firmware upgrade will fix all those troubles and ensure error-free gaming. We've detailed steps on how to install the 4.46 update if you froze your PS3 with 4.45.


    How To Install 4.46 Firmware If You Installed 4.45 (and bricked your Playstation 3) -

    Following steps are 'quick' ones and if you prefer more hand-holding, we'd strongly recommend you to check them out on PS official support page: #-Link-Snipped-#

    1. Grab a USB Flash Stick with sufficient free space. Make sure it has at least 168 MB free. If your PS3 is either CECHA00/CECHB00 series model, you can also use Memory Stick™, SD Memory Card, and CompactFlash®.

    2. Create a folder with name PS3 on the USB stick or your storage media.

    3. Create a sub-folder within the PS3 folder (created in step #2) and name it UPDATE.

    4. Download the official firmware from #-Link-Snipped-# link.

    5. Save the downloaded file "PS3UPDATE.PUP" in the 'UPDATE' folder created in step #3.

    Important: Now activate Safe Mode
    • With the PS3 off (power light should be red), touch and hold the Power button, you will hear the 1st beep indicating that the PS3 is powering on.
    • Continue to hold the power button, and after approximately 5 seconds you will hear a 2nd beep.
    • Continue to hold the power button and after 5 more seconds you'll hear a 3rd beep, and system will power off (Power light goes red).
    • Release power button.
    • Touch and hold the Power button, you will hear the 1st beep, again for PS3 power on.
    • Continue to hold and after approximately 5 seconds you will hear the 2nd beep for video reset.
    • Continue to hold and after 5 seconds you will hear a quick double beep. At that point release power button.
    • If you succeeded in activating Safe Mode, you will see a message on screen saying, "Connect the controller using a USB cable and then press the PS button".
    • Connect a controller to the PS3 with a USB cable.
    If for some reason, the safe mode fails; you will have to take your system to Sony service station.

    6. Connect your USB stick / storage media to PS3 system

    7. Select System Update and Press X button on your controller.

    8. Press Start & Select buttons at the same time.

    9. The system will restart and will recognise the update file on the storage media.

    10. Follow on-screen instructions to install the update.

    Best of Luck!

    What's New In PS3 4.46 Firmware?

    The firmware allows you to hide notifications when you earn a trophy. There's a new Closed Captions option added under system's video settings. The firmware also improves system stability.
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  • nishant arora

    MemberJun 29, 2013

    I heard that it only bricked consoles which had upgraded hard drives but its good to know that Sony finally fixed it although it took some time which sure would have pissed off some loyal PS3 gamers. Better late than never.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 29, 2013

    I upgraded my machine with the latest firmware and it worked really fine. Just that the wi-fi feels a bit slower. That could just be a temporary BSNL thingy though.
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  • nishant arora

    MemberJun 30, 2013

    Kaustubh Katdare
    I upgraded my machine with the latest firmware and it worked really fine. Just that the wi-fi feels a bit slower. That could just be a temporary BSNL thingy though.

    You're correct, Mine feels a lot slower too especially web browsing, Its laggy and crashes! Not that I browse the web on a ps3, just testing stuff out. 😛

    That will all be taken care of when the PS4 arrives! 8GB GDDR5!
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