  • Hey CE, I was thinking of something to build over Christmas break that would be simple yet useful. Being the eldest male in the home most of the day, (In other words: The oldest brother.) I am used to moving all sorts of things up and down stairs and around the house. It got me to thinking about building a portable hand winch to help me move large, bulky, but not necessarily heavy objects around.

    Of course, I then though about other people, especially in remote or developing areas where smiler conditions of bulky large, and somewhat heavy loads are encountered on a daily basis in less than ideal terrain. It goes without saying that powered equipment out in these areas might be rare and costly. Even solar power might be unreasonable due to cloud cover or their less than durable nature.

    Hence, I thought about developing a personal winch of sorts that could be built out of mostly local materials and thus keep costs down and expedite repairs. It would be mostly used to reduce the need for heavier machines in most light jobs, so that a worker could help move loads up to the top of a short cliff faster or maybe a woman could use it to haul up a larger bucket of water from the local well.

    Overall, these are the general rough draft of specs that I came up with to get started with:

    Weight: Under 30 pounds

    Power source: Hand crank, but any human power could be considered. Electric is optional

    Made mostly from local materials: Wood and Bamboo come to mind first. Plastics are a no-no for lack of ability to repair on the field. Also not available locally.

    Easy to manufacture: Drill and saw to make parts, screws / bolts to hold them together. Also able to be easily repaired in the field.

    Pull power: Be able to pull at least 100 pounds.

    Mounted: The unit will be mountable to anything that can support it. Trees, carts, sides of buildings.

    Reach: 30 meters at most.

    Rope design: 30 Meters straight, attached to a metal ring at the end, then two smaller ropes attached to the ring with hooks on the ends to rap around the object to be moved and then attached to the ring. This creates a 'sling' to move the object.

    Rope material: Twine / Burlap / whatever local rope is available. Thin steel cable possible if available. Wooden hooks and rings to secure load possible, but metal seems to be a better choice right now.

    Ratcheting option: If possible, I'd like to add a simple ratcheting option to help ease the load down cliffs, walls, ect. It should be able to stop the load from suddenly falling down if the operator is having a hard time pulling the load up or is something should happen to otherwise make the load drop to fast, creating a risk for injury to anyone.

    Well, here is where I need some help. Before I go on and start drawing up plans and what not for this device and getting all idealistic, I'm like some more level headed experienced people to add some realism to this project.

    Some things to keep in mind:
    1: I plan on not making these and shipping them en mass, rather, I want people to be able to get the blue prints and make it for themselves. I might make one or two examples so that people could see an actual model of it and see if it is something they would like to make on their own, but they will have to make any more on their own.

    2: I have yet to take any courses in mechanics, so try to keep any math in relatively simple terms. Basically, if you don't think I will understand it, a link to a wiki or a simple explanation will do just fine, I can handle myself from there. Also keep in mind that people will be making this out of local materials, so any specs are general target areas, not precise standards that must be met.

    3. Lastly, I plan on making this a more or less world wide-wide-available. I don't think it would be fair to help just one group of people like most projects do now. I want people down the street, as well people living oceans away, to be able to make and use this device. If it becomes successful enough, I'll put a patent (Under all of us.) to protect it from someone coping it and thus controlling it.

    With that in mind, I need some help with the following things.

    1) Would the people of CE be interested in helping out with this project? IE: can we transform this into a CE project that can help people as well as hopefully spread the word about us. I know people are busy, so I don't mind if only a few join up.

    2) Are similar devices already in use in developing areas? If so, then their wouldn't need to be make something like this. Like I said, this is supposed to be a small, cheaper version of an electric or gas powered winch, but if people are just dandy with basic ropes and have a bunch of pulleys and cranes for cheep, then this kinda becomes useless.

    3) If the above answer is no, and assuming this would be used, are the specs realistic and would the resulting device be useful? If not, how much would the specs have to change in order to achieve a more realistic design?

    4) Would people use it? Or would people ignore it?

    Thanks for any advice in advance and for reading this. I hope that this project can be something that we all can work on to improve the lives of people in developing nations in their lives as well as to spread the word about Crazy Engineers.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 18, 2008

    I'm contacting our own CEan Gohm who I'm sure will be a great help in this project. Everyone - don't just be dumb readers. Roll up your sleeves and jump in!
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberNov 19, 2008

    Thanks Big K. Before we get in too deep though, what's your take on the last three questions I asked? I'm right now primarily concerned with feasibility and weather or not something like this is already in use, or if I actually created something sorta new?
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  • gohm

    MemberNov 19, 2008

    oom man, I'm drooling over this one, laugh. very cool idea. Sorry I've been mia for a week or so, new job has been keeping me burning themidnight oil to get settled in. I'll be able to catch up with posts and everyone this weekend..

    Anyways, since wood construction seems to be your primary stipulation, I think the best approach would be a wooden, hand crank "come-along" wench as we call the here in the US. Basically a spool with a cable attached turned by a gear on a crank. A safety lever would engage between each gear tooth to allow one way travel unless it is released, thus preventing the weight from pulling out the cable. (your ratcheting idea) I would not go with anything more than small electric powered with wood as only metal could take the higher stress forces. These have been around for many years in steel, aluminium, plastic etc. and fairly cheap so yours would be a novelty idea only however it would be great fun to do and showcase engineering from pre-industrial and I would very much like to see photos and read your write up of the process and of course test! Selectingthe right type of rope and thickness will be key. You will need to ensure your spool is big enough to hold all the rope and clear during revolution. You will want to use hard woods for most of the parts. Do a quick search on come along winches and maybe a quick look at ancient engineering devices to get an idea. This idea would be awesome combined with a very large steel one steam powered... =) though that would be really unpractical. let me know your thoughts and how I can help more!
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  • raj87verma88

    MemberNov 20, 2008

    Thanks for sending me the link to this post Biggie or else I could have missed. Quite good concept. Wish I had thought about it. My compliments to Lock-Os.
    Will talk to my professors when college re-opens(exams going on so there isn't much staff around). Till then, will look into it and get help from other sources.
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberNov 20, 2008

    First off, #-Link-Snipped-#, its a reeallly commendable Idea. Keep this up 😀 and you can have a hand at changing the world for the good.

    Here are my answers:

    1. Yes, very much, we would love to help you out! But yea, sometimes, some of us are very busy. Still, we try our best to come online and answer really interesting posts (like yours here).

    2. Ok, here is the tricky part. You came up with this Idea while you were hauling your stuff up/down your staircase. The point is, whatever Idea you got was wonderful for you at that moment. This may not be so true for rural areas. Hence, lets look at several things:
    1. What stuff do they move? (example: Water filled pots, drums of sugar cane or hey for local cows)

    2. How often do they move it? (example: Everyday, once in a while, when needed)

    3. Whats the average distance per day? (example: 10m, 50m, 1km?)

    4. Where do they move the stuff? (example: Terrain conditions, grassy-which would increase slip, rocky-that can damage a normal bamboo made hand-crank, water?)
    Why these questions? Because when we imagine ourselves in the field, how often are you going to set up a crank to move an object x distance(?) and all the above questions too.

    Ok, so I am gonna brainstorm, so you can have much clearer vision of the design and use.
    • What if it's stationary near a well? Thats good!
    • What about placing them near homes? a crank in every house, with a wheeled cart!
    • Portable crank that can firmly attach on the ground anywhere (difficult to build, how to attach it to the ground)
    • A wench that can be carried as a back pack, handle on the persons right side...hips as support, legs as the base! So, he is pulling AND cranking at the same time! (best so far, IMHO)

    You are right that we must use locally available materials and locally possible building methods.

    For that, I think, we must first have a fairly stable Idea on what the crank will be like exactly (based on the above discussion).

    Waiting to hear yours and other CEians' Inputs. This is a really exciting project though! 😀
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberNov 20, 2008

    Thanks for all the input everyone. I really appreciate all the complements as well.

    It seems from the input that overall it sounds like a good concept, so I feel a bit more confident on elaborating on the details of exactly what I want this to be.

    First off, the main reason I wanted to build a crank is so that people can move loads vertically, not so much horizontally. A cart / wagon / wheelbarrow or similar device can move loads easily Forwards / backwards and left / right. But their are not many devices that are cheep or around in developing, pre-industrial areas to help lift or lower loads. Still, I could see it being used to help pull stuff out of the mud or what not.

    Secondly, but just as important, I plan on making this a sort of universal unit. It's main mount will actully be a gauntlet of sorts, were the winch system will mount onto a platform that has a strap or two to attach onto the forearm as well as a handle to grip onto for the hand. This is so the unit can be carried and also mounted with ease, it won't be able to pull as much since it is mounted on the arm. However, I plan on it also being used on home made cranes or mounted to the ground. The result should be a multi-purpose unit that can be used where ever it needs to be. Of course, if the unit is too heavy or large, then I might have to scrap the arm mount and make it into a more stationary device.

    So, considering the conditions , I think the total length of the line should be 10 meters and be able to carry about 50 pounds (about 23 Kilograms) at least. Overall, I want this to be something that fills the gap between something requiring a heavy powered winch and doing it by hand. Yet, I also don't want this to be too large or heavy, as I also want this to be moved around easily by one person.

    Although I have a mental model of this in my head, I don't want to draft it quite yet. Before I do that, I want to go and find some data on the strength and weight of different materials before I start making any drawings. I want to get a better idea of what the strength and weight of the materials I plan on using are. I'll go off and start finding more detailed information about the specifications of different objects (Such as weight for different kinds of loads & strengths of different materials) so that I can start to play with numbers and arrive at more detailed and certain specifications.

    I guess my big question right now is if 10 meters of rope length and 23 kilograms of load weight are a reasonable target If I plan on keeping the device mobile and hopefully arm mountable? I'm estimating that in order for the device to be mountable and mobile, the winch's total weight would be 15 pounds (about 7 kilograms) at most and 3in (about 7cm) cubed in size so it can be arm mounted. Also, it is going to be made out of hardwood / bamboo and plain rope. Lastly, it does not have to pull 50 pounds / 23 kilograms when arm mounted, the arm mount is intended to sacrifice pulling power for the ability to have the winch go with the human operator.

    If I can estimate at least one thing at least when it comes to forces acting on something, I would say that 50 pounds pulling down on one arm would hurt and might damage a joint. That's not even considering if the person would be thrown off balance.

    I know that it all comes down to the details, but right now I'm just trying to see if the device I am trying to create is plausible. Like I said, I'm going to be looking up the details on all kinds of objects to get a better understanding of the size, weight, and other conditions I foresee to get a better idea of how I'm going to build this. Right now though, I just kinda want to bounce the ideas around and get an overall idea of where this prodject is going.

    Thanks again for reading my post and in thanks in advance for any help. This is my first undertaking of this kind and any form of help is a big help.
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberNov 21, 2008

    well guys,after going through you post,my question is how it will be maintained,if maintennce is too high or tedious,or we can make it a use and thrugh depending upon the life!!
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  • docel

    MemberNov 21, 2008

    Commendable thought, Lock-Os !!
    I like your "free for all" intention.....bravo!!

    Let us see:
    1. 50kgs (app.100 lbs) is a reasonable weight bearing , in the villages. They have some very strong necks, indeed!!
    2. Wood is the easiest, and most times, free. Although bamboo, where available will be the best.
    3. Some waste recycling can be easily implemented.
    4. Pulling is easier than carrying.

    • This can result in a Winder-Winch mounted on a tripod with 2 wheels.People can simply pull the winch suspended weight along. A weight of 100Kgs can easily be moved around by an average build female.
    • Maintenance will be no problem, as the entire thing can be bound with rope, and the rural folks are experts at that.
    • It can also be Lock-Unlock-Foldable, so that it can be lugged around easily.
    • The entire thing can be made of wood, without any metal, gears or other mechanical complexities.
    • Good Luck!!
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberNov 24, 2008

    Whoa. Impressive discussion so far! Great work, Lock Os.

    Im a little lost in all this mechanical talk 😛 Are you sure you don't want some electricity involved? 😉

    I'm thinking solar power is still feasible in some situations. Like, in countries where it is REALLY sun intensive, it can be useful. Small but high torque electrical DC motors come cheap these days, so it can greatly assist in hybrid along with human power.

    Somehow, I'm starting to miss those good old MacGyver shows.
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberDec 1, 2008

    Whoa. Impressive discussion so far! Great work, Lock Os.

    Im a little lost in all this mechanical talk 😛 Are you sure you don't want some electricity involved? 😉

    I'm thinking solar power is still feasible in some situations. Like, in countries where it is REALLY sun intensive, it can be useful. Small but high torque electrical DC motors come cheap these days, so it can greatly assist in hybrid along with human power.

    Somehow, I'm starting to miss those good old MacGyver shows.
    Well... electric power would be nice, but that would increase the cost and weight of the unit. Still, it could be worked into a more advanced design. I'll begin to draw up the design and see what were we could go from there.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberDec 1, 2008

    Well... electric power would be nice, but that would increase the cost and weight of the unit. Still, it could be worked into a more advanced design. I'll begin to draw up the design and see what were we could go from there.
    Okayz! I'll try working on a portable electrical system concept to see how viable it is. I've used those mini (25mm x 40mm) 3V Mabuchi FA 130 DC Motors before, and they have really high torque when used with gears, 1.5 Kg-cm @ 30RPM. This Tamiya gearbox set, made out of strong plastic, with motors are really light!

    Im thinking most of the weight will be the batteries, if you want to use those C or D cells. Or, we can use 2x1.5 rechargable AA batteries.. and we can recharge using a mini 1W Solar battery charger when the winch is not used (or human power is used). We still need to design the circuit for charging the batteries.

    1x Gearbox with motor- $10
    2x Rechargable AA batteries- $6
    1x 1W PV Solar Panel- $30
    1x Charging circuit components- $5

    Total cost of electrical system: $51

    If the user has access to an electrical outlet, then cost would be $21. (If we want, we can start another CE project about ways to generate electricity in remote areas, whether its from sun, wind, water, etc..)

    We can further cut costs if you fabricate your own gearbox. The motor itself is only $2. So, assuming we have access to milling/lathe machines, we can make our own gears at cheaper costs.. even if using aluminium.

    Regardless, it'll be relatively expensive upfront, but it is a long term investment. We can design the winch to be able to be powered by both human and electric. So, when the workload is minimal or if human power is entirely used, the AA batteries can be taken out and left to be recharged.
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberDec 2, 2008

    Before I continue, I plan to adjust some of the requirements of this project, mostly regarding weight, size, and the minimum load required. please go to the first post to go over the new target goals.

    I like this whole electric power device, it really sounds like a viable option. I'll consider it as part of an upgrade unit to add on to the basic design. Keep in mind, I plan on distributing the design to areas that might not be able to get motors or solar panels or even batteries.

    Still though, I would defiantly make some room for this in the layout if you could give me some idea as to the size of the whole unit. Also try to get the motor to be able to pull about 100 pounds of weight, I'll be updating the statistics page with more details.

    Speaking of loads, I found out that for our target goal of 100 pounds, that 1/2 inch dia is the minimum with of Mailla rope needed, giving 264 pounds of load strength, giving extra consideration to shock loads and less than perfect rope. At 90 feet, this should weigh about 6.75 pounds and take up about 212.06 cubic inches of space.

    If anything, right now I need help with determining the size of the actual winch it's self. I plan on using a 1 inch dia rod 4 inches long as the core to wrap the rope around while winding / unwinding. This takes up 3.14 cubic inches of space. So the dial rod and the rope take up a combined volume of 215.2 cubic inches

    Using the volume of a cylinder equation in reverse, I get 4.13 inches as the radius of the whole unit with the rope wound around it. That means that the cylinder will have to be mounted about 4.5 inches above the mounting plate to give the rope some room to clear, and the whole rope and cylinder will be about 8.26 inches wide when the rope is all wound up.

    Hm... do these measurements seem to be adding up? I would really appreciate it if someone could check those out for me.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberDec 5, 2008

    100 pounds (45 Kg) ? *gulps*

    In that case, weight of motor will be an issue for sure.. unless you want the user to double the winch as a dumb bell (why not? 😛 ) But IF its mounted most of the time, then it should be alright perhaps. I'll try looking into it later.

    By the way, is it possible to use SI units for measurements? 😀 Its ok if your not comfortable with them, since you are the main designer. I can add the conversion next to them.

    Are we assuming we can ship the motors? Or must the user get it themselves if they want to add on to their winch? If its a community effort, then they can just share a few motors if needed. Same goes for the solar panels.

    Had a radical thought. Could we design a motor that is has easy to replace parts? We can ship a ready made one.. but the user maintain it with existing materials. The main issue of the standard DC motor's longevity is the wearing of the brush and commutator. Hmm..

    Likewise.. and this is an old idea I had easy to fabricate dynamo?

    Interesting possibilities.. *rubs chin*
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberDec 5, 2008

    Well Ash, you as always bring good points to the table. Let me answer them for you.

    SI units compared to Imperial: I use Imperial measurements instead of SI (Otherwise known as metric) since I live in the US, and thus I have a better 'sense' of what those measurements translate to in the real world. But I'll post them in Metric as well from now on. Hopefully I will be able to get a better Idea of how big a cm is. I know that a Meter is about as long as a yard, and a yard is three feet, so I got the meter down pat but anything else is a mystery to me.

    Weight of device / Weight of load: I probably wasn't too clear on this, my bad. The amount of weight I hope this device should be able to pull is 100 Pounds (45 Kg) at most. However, The weight of the device is different. So far, I figure that the rope is going to weigh about 6.25 pounds (2.83 Kg). While I aim to keep the device as a whole under 20 pounds (9.07 KG), the simple fact is that wood widely varies in density, and obvious fact given the wide range of woods. Since this is going to be made out of local wood (Preferably Hardwood), the weight, as well as the strength of the device, is going to vary as well.

    Also, this brings me to a sub point I've been thinking about, The design is going to be fairly 'bulky'. My main concern is that in an attempt of desperation, someone tries to build it out of a less than ideal wood for such a device, such as Balsa. Now, I (hope) that anyone working with wood knows that at the least Balsa is one of the most soft and lightweight woods around, but is very weak. I hope to remedy this by specifying that if you can build a piece of furniture out of it, then you can use it to make this device. By reinforcing joints and what not, we improve the strength of the device, and hopefully compensate for any errors in production or wood selection. I feel that in the end, the people making this product have plenty of experience working with wood and should be able to apply their skill and judgment to this device.

    Anyways continuing on...

    Motors: After thinking about this and doing some online skimming, I'm going to say that we could ship some motors along with the blueprints if it is to a particularly remote or non-industrial area. I know the feeling of not having parts to work with (I've only recently found several places that sell parts.) so I'm willing to send some of the more technical parts along.

    However I know that their are plenty of places in the world that while they seem desolate, they actually have the basics to produce many kinds of devices you wouldn't think they should be able to. I would love it if we could try to design a simple motor that is cost effective, reliable, and easy to repair / make. This, along with a Dynamo could very well be the first steps to allowing people to produce and use electricity. DC current wouldn't be a problem since the power is most likely to be used nearby.

    I wonder, how exactly are we going to distribute this design anyways? If the internet is our primary means of communication, I don't think that communication with the people in remote areas is going to be possible. In that case, people with internet access are the only ones going to be able to get these designs, and be able to distribute them. But if that's the case, internet surely comes way after machine shops and light industry has formed. So I guess that we can assume that simple parts can be manufactured.
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  • docel

    MemberDec 5, 2008

    Whoa --Lock-os, ash ! ! !
    This project is becoming more and more sophisticated. Thought this was a help-along for developing countries and for the lower classes.
    Solarpanels, Motors, Generators??
    The bill, as I calculate, has well exceeded $500. I havent yet calculated the Gear stock and other mechanical transmission parts, but believe me- they aren't make!!

    Now, who's going to afford/buy all these, sit and make it, and then use it???
    Certainly not the middle class........... 😔
    And the lower middle class......? :sshhh:

    ( let me add: a 2000lbs load electric winch costs $50 ) and its $100 freight to India )
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberDec 5, 2008

    @ Lock O's
    Ah, you were clear on the weight issue. I was just wondering about the possibility of a 3V DC motor to pull 100 pounds, thats all 😛 We'll need a bigger motor then.

    I have limited knowledge with wood, I'm afraid 😔 However, can we also try target the segment of users who dont have woodwork skills (or live in really desolate regions)? Perhaps if they randomly break some thick branches off and get some plant fibers as the "rope"? Something like linen is used in the construction of a bow.. and it has very high tension. I guess this is as "MacGyver" as you can get.

    For the method of distribution.. well, we'd need to rely on various methods, both online and off. Also, the blueprint would need to be tailored to different types of users. We don't want to confuse people with technical jargon if they are not technology inclined, so we'd have to do basic diagrams.

    @ Docel
    Well, things like solar panels and generators are just ideas 😛 I certainly don't want to diverge from Lock O's original application intent, but as a brainstorming process, you might as well discuss all possibilities! Other projects might sprout out as a result.

    I guess we should design according to material availability and accessibility, and a little less focus on cost.
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberDec 5, 2008

    Well, this is mostly brainstorming right now. Also, part of the project is to stimulate the production in developing countries as well as developed ones. The main 'core' unit can be duplicated anywhere at low cost, as it will be simple. We are just sorta coming up with more ideas for possible add-ons. It is going to be hand powered, so that will also reduce costs.

    Well, as much as I like "MacGyver"- type inventing. I think we need to put a limit to how... well, primitive we can get. Someone Breaking off some branches and using rope they just hacked together probably already has a plan in their head.

    Anyways, I agree about designing this according to material availability and access. We should also then drop the requirements for load weight as well. People are going to be building this out of local materials, so to put any kind of specs on this is not really practical. I will say that giving a mechanical advantage of about 4 and allowing 1.27cm wide rope 90 meters long to be used should really be all the numbered goals we should aim for, anything else might as well be 'Non-Numerical Goals'. Still though, I plan on basing the design in part on average strength of wood, to get at least some kind of baseline to go off of.

    Also, keep in mind that I plan to be handing these out to more or less developing nations as well as more developed countries for use by craftsmen to build and sell something they and their communities can use. I don't aim to get these out into the remote parts of the world. This is my first project and I hope to start out by reaching somewhat developed areas to allow them to build up something as well as to have a 'gateway' to access more remote areas.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberDec 22, 2008

    Well, as much as I like "MacGyver"- type inventing. I think we need to put a limit to how... well, primitive we can get. Someone Breaking off some branches and using rope they just hacked together probably already has a plan in their head.
    Haha, you are right 😛

    This is my first project and I hope to start out by reaching somewhat developed areas to allow them to build up something as well as to have a 'gateway' to access more remote areas.
    Yep, also as a first project, I doubt it'll be perfect on the first try. Lets try to prototype it first and other details can be ironed out later. Have you done any sketches of it yet? Maybe you can scan them and upload here.

    Can you also sketch out your ideas too if possible?
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberJan 26, 2009

    Finally, I got the drawing done. Got tied up by family stuff over Christmas break, but I was able to get the drawing done. It turns out that the device is going to be much larger than I thought, mostly because the 1/2 inch rope is going to need a much larger cylinder than I thought to hold all the rope.

    So far, the base is going to be about 12 inch by 6 inch and 1/2 inch thick (30.48cm by 15.24cm and 1.27 cm thick). The Cylinder is going to be 10 inch in diameter and 4 inches long (25.4cm by 10.16cm). I'll be posting the drawings up when I get home today, but I'd figure I would get the basic dimensions out their.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJan 26, 2009

    Hows your family doing? 😀

    Great work, we are all pretty eager to see your drawings!
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberJan 28, 2009

    Well, it took longer than expected, but here it is finally. This is the base as viewed from the side, I plan to get the other sides done within the next two weeks pending on health and school work. I also might go back and edit them in MS paint to clean up the work and make it look a lot better.

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  • raj87verma88

    MemberJan 28, 2009

    Finally. Been waiting for the diagrams since ages. Nice job L-OS. Waiting for the top and front view.
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  • gohm

    MemberJan 28, 2009

    very glad to see you are still fighting the fight Lock-os. Keep it up & please keep us posted!
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJan 28, 2009

    Health? Everything ok dude?

    Thanks for the drawing! We CEans always love diagrams more than words *grin*

    Once we have the complete drawings, we can do an optional CAD drawing of it. One question though, do you plan to make the winch fully rigid? Like, any fold able parts to make it more portable?
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  • Lock-Os

    MemberJan 29, 2009

    It's alright, got sick really bad over Christmas break, and I was just busy picking up my sister back from her London trip. Everything is great now actually, It just took a while for the chaos over break and the first weeks of school to go away. The only real problem is the weather now. Some snow on and off, but we've also got a good bit of ice too.

    Anyways, did the drawing come out good? I was thinking that I could clean it up in paint and post it. Maybe next time.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJan 29, 2009

    Its good. What is the diameter of the hole? Im trying out the design on Google Sketch Up 😛

    Here ya go. I guessed other dimensions. Awaiting the rest of your drawings 😀

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  • Lock-Os

    MemberJan 29, 2009

    Thanks, that's about it. I'll have to go back and check on the size of that hole for you.
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMar 5, 2009

    Hey Lock-Os, any updates on the design? Good news, we are accelerating our efforts for CE Projects now, especially with regards to collaborations and funding 😀
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberJun 1, 2009

    Lock ooooooooos.. where art thou 😔
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    MemberDec 26, 2010

    Hmm. Can anyone jump in here and provide a another solution or would it be best to start a new thread?
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberDec 26, 2010

    Hmm. Can anyone jump in here and provide a another solution or would it be best to start a new thread?
    Please start a new thread for an alternative solution 😀
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    MemberDec 26, 2010

    Ok sounds good ash. I thought I would ask first. This topic seems like an interesting challenge. 😀
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