  • Rupam Das
    Rupam Das

    MemberOct 14, 2011

    Premium Membership in CE

    I feel with CE slowly moving towards half a million user marks, it is the right time to Think about a premium membership. Though number may not be very high but at least there will be few. Digaital Forum, one of the best forums around has about 100 premium members. But that is a beginning.

    Points that can be consider for premium membership

    1. 3 months, 6 months and 12 months membership. with many indian viewers i think $50 may be a great fee for subscription
    2. premium members can be given a badge and can be added 2 starts
    3. Dofollow signatures of the premium members
    4. A Forum Section that can be only for premium members
    5. Thread started by premium members be sticky say for N days.
    6. They get access to some of CE's tools. I do not know what tools you have, but all sites develop many projects over the time . so I guess have some tools.

    these are just some of the suggestions 😀

    I will be too happy to be the first PrM. 50$ 😉on offer. Waiting for the CE PrM scheme.................................. what say folks?
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  • narayana murthy

    MemberOct 15, 2011

    i think this will fail a lot for CE status
    as i concern being a free website many were feeling like its a site for wasting of time if we have a cost for this
    it will make a lot of damage
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