Member • Dec 10, 2008
Precise motion
Im new here, but I read the forum for a while now and since I need some extra ideas I decided to ask for your help.
English is not my native language so this might be slightly hard to explain. I will try though 😀
I am looking for all different ways of 'creating' motion that are currently avaiable. Ideally they are capable of running from dc power supply as the device that will be used in is suppose to be portable/hand held.
The end motion ideally will be a precise (controlled by pressure exerted) vertical motion in down direction and then the motion upwards to go back to the start position.
The distance of travel is very small - we are really talking about couple of cm maximum.
What I was thinking of for a start was:
- stepping motor linked with a gear mechanism
- stepping motor to provide screw-in/out motion
- electromagnets?
The key factor is power and life time - it would be no good if it worked once and you would have to recharge/change battery.
Just throw any ideas you might think of.
Thanks in advance!
If you need more explanations just ask. I will try to clarify that as much as possible.