  • About three days ago, I received a call from a practising doctor; asking for an appointment (yeah, doctor asked for my appointment). He offered a credible reference (another doctor who my family knows) from where he got my phone number; and wanted to meet. I was told that it's about discussing the alarming rise of diseases among young people (like me) and the doctor wanted to meet me in person; because he couldn't 'explain' everything over the phone.

    Since the references he made were all right, we scheduled a meet at my home. From experience, when something can't be explained over the phone - it basically means the person is trying to 'sell' you something. It's always like that.

    The doctor showed up right on time and the discussion began with how all the lifestyle diseases are growing and people are unaware of it. The discussion went like this -

    Doctor (D): So is there any history of diseases in your family?

    Me: Nope.

    D: That's good. Are you aware that all the lifestyle diseases are growing rapidly in the society? Arthritis, BP, Cholesterol (...the ABCD...of lifestyle diseases). In the recent times we've seen several cases among young people. It's very alarming. What do you think could be the reason?

    Me: Bad eating habits, smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, stress...

    D: Correct. Stress is an accelerator for all these diseases. How do you think can we prevent these diseases?

    Me: Well, by gaining total control what we intake and of course, exercising regularly and living a stress-free life.

    D: But do you know, Dr. X (famous personality in the city) collapsed during his morning walk? He was regular at exercise and followed diet.

    Me: [meh!]. Oh, sorry to hear that.

    D: So, what's the solution now?

    Me: [ok, buddy. Show me the miracle cure for life]. I've no clue, doctor. Tell me what's the fix?

    D: [takes out surveys, reports that basically show how screwed our general health is and there is absolutely no way out, except the magic product]. See these charts! All the leading publications are saying that our food is contaminated with pesticides. These are the main reasons for all the diseases. The poison we eat through our food causes oxidation in our blood and that basically creates bad chemicals in our body. We must find out a way to reverse this process! Do you agree?

    Me: Yes, right. [show me that damned product]

    D: How do you think we can fix this problem?

    Me: I've no clue sir. I really want to know. [heheh]

    [...imaginary...God-like music plays in the background, winds blow the curtains, the room fills with bright light...]

    D: THIS: Takes out a white bottle "Nutrilite (by Amway)". My entire family eats these pills. One pill is equivalent to 20 fruits! [Takes out the pill and hands it over to me]

    Me: [WTF?]

    D: Try it! My entire family eats this daily. It's got the fruit extracts essential for your body.

    My kid enters the room.

    D: Do you know how risky the food these days is for the kids? Most of them will begin suffering by the time they become adults. The situation is so bad. Let me show you this powder, the protein power. [Takes out another bottle, takes a pinch of the power and tries to give it to my kid. She refuses and hence, the powder is now handed over to me]. Taste it and tell me.

    Me: Hmm. Good! [Yuck! Bournvita taste ....I hated it since the beginning of time]. You've got interesting products.

    ...and having confirmed that the doctor was indeed trying to sell me Neutrilite products; or probably a subscription; I used my regular escape techniques to end the meeting. This involved showing great interest but 'getting back' after studying the whole offer.

    Second day - the doctor called for a follow up. I could not pick up the phone.

    Another call day after: I picked up the phone.

    D: So, have you decided?

    Me: What?

    D: That you need good supplements for your family?

    Me: Umm, well no.

    D: No? Ahh! You should become scientist and research what's good for your kid! Don't let your indecision affect her life. She's already suffered for last two days.


    Me: Okay, sir. Let me be very clear with you. I totally hate that network marketing brand Amway and I don't want any of its products. I'm happy eating home-made food and just be content with it. If I change my mind, I will be in touch with you.

    Well, that's how the entire episode was. More than the Neutrilite products and Amway brand, I disliked that the doctor's entire approach was to scare me off to buy products. This strategy might have worked on most of the people who take doctor's advice as a word of God; and what I think Amway wants to cash on.

    Has Amway tried to contact you through their agents? What's your take on Neutrilite, Amway and their products?
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberNov 20, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    What's your take on Neutrilite, Amway and their products?
    Amway? No way!
    They fobbed off some cleaning agents that never worked. A close friend was involved. So we got a couple of bottles. Lying unused for three years are more now. We would have have kept miles away from Amway. It was more a bail out of a friend, who was stuck with some target where she would lose money if not met.
    My main mistrust comes from the chain mail kind of marketing they adopt. Rip off.
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  • Manish Goyal

    MemberNov 20, 2015

    Kaustubh Katdare
    D: No? Ahh! You should become scientist and research what's good for your kid! Don't let your indecision affect her life. She's already suffered for last two days.
    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • Satya Swaroop Dash

    MemberNov 21, 2015

    Was that guy an actual doctor? The reason being, the money generated in Multi-Level-Marketing is not that large enough to force a doctor to lose his ethical standards and sell an sub-standard product. On second thought, he might be a doctor as they (doctors) force on to us the medicines that are being peddled by medicine representatives.

    I had used Nutrilife protein powder when I was in school. The product was pushed on to me by my tuition teacher. He said that unlike any other supplements this could be mixed with normal foods such as dal or curry and thanks to its inert nature it would be unrecognisable. Each tin was 900 bucks which was really expensive for 2006 and after two tin cans I did not feel any difference at all.

    When it comes to their cleaning products, I think they were the ones who first brought to India those stainless steel mesh utensil cleaner and that was their biggest draw among middle class housewives in Bhubaneswar. Once other companies offered much cheaper alternatives I saw dwindling sales figures and peddlers in my colony.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberNov 21, 2015

    My son called from the US. He tells me that Amway is a big scam there. They were convicted for fraud. The pyramid marketing scheme works on the greed of people. Most people avoid Amway like poison. He told,'Keep off Amway'.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 21, 2015

    Well, the person is actually a doctor. I just didn't like the fact that the company asks their agents to scare people. In fact, every advertisement out there is about scaring people! If you don't use fairness cream - you won't get a job and you won't be successful in life. If you don't use deodorant - you will repel people; and so on.

    There are fundamental flaws in the reasoning the doctor used to convince me. At one point in my conversation I asked - what's the guarantee that these extracts are of 'pure' fruits and do not contain any unwanted stuff? To which the doctor replied that he's researched it!

    Same is the case for Maggie. They openly claim that Maggie is 'healthy'. Anyone who believes so should read this (very interesting read, trust me): #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Saandeep Sreerambatla

    MemberNov 24, 2015

    Amway soaps and all other products really are bad.
    I have a friend who wanted me to join the group and he said i will have to use products and make others as members and make them use the products so that i will get commission.

    He also told me that, assume my friend is A- and I am B.
    A introduced B, so A gets commission.
    B-Introduced C so B gets commission and also A gets.
    So anyone below C introduces someone then i will get continuous commission.

    He also told that if i work hard for 1 year i will easily get around 30K rupees minimum every month.

    I used the soap and some other items for free and didnt like and never joined.

    The price of the products versus the quality of the products doesnt match and the products also are not very good, few created ill effects as well.

    Never use these kind of products 😀
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  • Shreya P@ndey

    MemberOct 27, 2017

    Although this a quite old forum, but I believe this is a very serious issue and we need discuss it so that we all are aware of the unethical practices. With the increasing competition, the ethics of doctors is declining everyday.

    Issue -

    Recently I visited a doctor for a simple flu type of issue. The doctor was very polite and appeared to analyse issue very deeply. After 15 mins, he said there seems to be something wrong and he wrote 3 tests. In addition to the tests, he wrote a list of medicine and the shop at which it will be available. I was literally shocked to see his behavior. Why would a doctor recommend the name of the shop or Lab to get tested ?
    Although I didn't oppose him, when I saw the bill at medical shop, it was Rs 1200/- for a simple flu. This was a clear case of unethical practice.

    There are people from small villages who are unaware of such practices and they are being looted by such doctors. Friends if there is such a issue you faced, you can consider reporting it to #-Link-Snipped-# or simply take a second opinion from a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer">Ask A Doctor Online | Online Doctor Consultation | JustDoc</a>.
    It is important to be cautious these days when opting for medical services.

    What are the experiences of other forum members ?
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberOct 29, 2017

    I know a guy in my relative who destroyed this career for this Amway networking.
    But I never seen any person's heath condition getting any better consuming Amway product. They are so expensive, you can buy a week fruit for it.

    We need to rethink before wasting money based on shiny advertisement and packaging.
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