  • [​IMG]

    I'm currently doing a modeling of a combined cycle gas turbine plant (CCGT plant). The simulation goes like: If the steam turbine trips while the CCGT plant is operating, then something known as "Steam Turbine Bypass system" will be activated by the Bypass Control System that reroutes all the superheated steam to the condenser.

    However all is not what it seems. According to: #-Link-Snipped-#
    The Turbine Bypass Unit is used not as protection against trip but to increase the efficiency of the turbine by sending a small amount (~10%) of superheated steam going into the HP turbine on the mainsteam line to that intermediate or low pressure turbines.

    Does anyone know how what happens to the CCGT after the steam turbine trips and go offline? What is the protection system involved here if not the steam bypass unit? And does anyone know what happens to the CCGT if either the HRSG or the Gas turbine generator trips and go offline?
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  • sauravgoswami

    MemberJul 7, 2013

    When the systems trips the whole system is on shutting down mode, as for protection relays are still preferred along-with control automation
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