  • Jasim

    MemberJul 17, 2016

    Please review my resume

    Dear CEans
    I Attached my resume, please take a look and suggest me where am I wrong? Or it's ok or not.
    Thank you
    Jasim Chouhan
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 17, 2016

    Couple of observations -
    1. Get a professional looking email. Instead of jassu92; find out a username that looks professional - with firstname.lastname.birthyear etc.
    2. Objective could be better. Make it a short pitch to sell yourself.
    3. Skills: For an IT engineer, you need to seriously look at your skills-set. Wouldn't it be nice if you talk about the level of your understanding / experience in each Skill? For example, if you wrote Java - 2 years - Expert; the interviewer would quickly know what to expect from you.
    4. Project: Installing wordpress on EC2 is not at all an engineering project! It's something kids do these days. No offence with this, please. You seriously need a better engineering project. If you don't, you need to build your own project and mention it in the resume
    5. Have you had any special achievements throughout your education or trainings? You need to mention them or even highlight them!
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  • Jasim Chouhan

    MemberJul 17, 2016

    Thank you sir, it would help me a lot
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  • AsisH1

    MemberJul 17, 2016

    Sir, Can u help me.This Is my Resume and i am a final year Student. I am going to have a Campus In Few weeks.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJul 17, 2016

    #-Link-Snipped-# - One of the most common problem I see with resumes is that the 'Career Objective' more or less is a copy paste. Try to be more creative with it. Perhaps you could call it 'short intro' and write a few good lines about yourself.

    Project Report: Writing only the titles won't do. Perhaps you should add a few lines of description with each project.

    IT Proficiency: Microsoft Office should no longer be qualified under 'IT Proficiency'. Any engineer is expected to know basics of Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

    - 'Internet Browsing' ? Remove it! Internet browsing is not a skill or it comes under 'IT Proficiency'.

    Languages: When you write any programming language, you've got to tell the recruiter what's your level of preparation. Simply stating that you know Java or C++ won't do.

    Extra Curricular: "Executive Member of Event Manager' - please change the wordings to reflect correct English. Also, it'd be a lot better if you write what were your achievements as executive member. If not, you could write something that makes it 'stand out'. Simply being a part of the 'team' doesn't add necessary weight to your resume.

    'Drama' - Perhaps you could have wrote details about your role in short. If you've nothing significant to write - then better not write it.

    Achievements: 'Participation' does NOT count as achievement. If you designed website for a school, you'll have to write what exactly you did, which skills you learned et al.

    Interpersonal Skill: I think this section is totally unnecessary. But if you really want to keep it in your resume; be prepared to answer questions about it. For example, you wrote 'ability to cope up with different situation', the Interviewer will definitely ask you to narrate an experience where you demonstrated this skill. If you then narrate a plain story that doesn't sound exciting or 'heroic', you'll not create the impression that you wish to.

    I hope this helps. All the best!
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  • AsisH1

    MemberJul 19, 2016

    Thankyou sir,Thanks for correcting my mistakes.It would help me a lot.
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