  • Hello, I am 27 with a BA in Molecular Biology and Biochemistry from Rutgers. I am interested in Biomedical Engineering. I understand that it would be lengthy and costly to pursue a second bachelor's in Biomedical Engineering. I was curious as to the possibility of obtaining an MS in Biomedical Engineering (obviously after taking the GRE). Some schools have official or unofficial briding programs.

    (By the way, the profile that somebody is an engineer. I couldn't do anything to chance that).

    For example, I received advice from somebody about pursuing an MS in Chemical Engineering rather than going through and getting a second BS and that it would only prove to provide more lucrative employment in roughly the same amount of time.

    My concerns are with regard to employment opportunities. Would having a MS in Biomedical Engineering without a bachelors in an engineering field hurt chances of employment?

    I'm told 27 is still young but I just want to get this right.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 6, 2011

    Re: Please help! (Biomedical Engineering or anybody with regards to pursuing MS degre

    Emerging research areas in tissue engineering can use Molecular Biology and Biochemistry. There could be avenues in these even with the BA. If you are considering BME for work in design/development of artificial internal organs, then an engineering background will be needed. Biomedical Engineering covers a lot of disciplines. It is difficult to offer an opinion unless the areas of interest are defined more sharply.
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  • AndrewBerin

    MemberAug 6, 2011

    Re: Please help! (Biomedical Engineering or anybody with regards to pursuing MS degre

    Yes, I was actually wondering in terms of viability as well.

    These are the fields of specialization for a graduate again at NJIT which I am looking at:
    Neural Engineering
    Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
    Rehabilitation Engineering
    Biomedical Imaging#-Link-Snipped-#
    I'm willing to specialize in anything. I'm just worried about employment opportunities in the NJ area.
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberAug 6, 2011

    Re: Please help! (Biomedical Engineering or anybody with regards to pursuing MS degre

    The NJIT program appears to be quite comprehensive. However, the requirement for admission to MS does not seem to include BA ( Molecular Biology and Biochemistry). The biomaterials/tissue engineering course may be the best option. It certainly has a good future. Since I am from India I am unable to comment on jobs in NJ area.
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