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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorJun 4, 2013

    where to place the engine either front or rear?if so why?list merits and demerits?
    What kind of vehicle do you wish to place the engine? Two wheeler, four wheeler, three-wheeler, or airplane or a speed-boat or ...?

    It always helps if the question is detailed and leaves no room for other people to make assumptions. Could you please elaborate your question? Tell us what kind of engine you wish to put and where and other details that may help us answer your question 😀
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    MemberJun 5, 2013

    it is not pacing of is placing of engine.spell mistake.
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberJun 6, 2013

    Based on usage engines can be in the frot or back

    If boot space is going to be loaded up heavily to maintain balance of the vehicle we have engine in front This can be seen in most Cars

    Like minidors and ACE load carriers the engines are in the middle of the vehicle this ensures the balance of the vehicle to a great extent

    Buses and stuff the load is not balanced by the position of engine the body itself is built in a way to support extra load
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  • white_hat

    MemberJun 6, 2013

    If you are planning to build a buggy , then rear engine rear wheel drive design is the easiest, and most appropriate.
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  • zaveri

    MemberJun 7, 2013

    most of the passenger cars today are the trans axle FWD type which means that the engine is mounted in the front and directly coupled to the front axle via the gear box and clutch.

    But the maruti eeco is an exception. it is a rear wheel drive. you can clearly see its differential.
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  • PuneetVerma

    MemberJun 8, 2013

    Usually Passenger Cars have Front placed engine with rear wheel drive. Solely reason I know for this is Push is easier than Pull . For Nano Engine is placed rear side but it also has read wheel drive. Placing an engine Rear Side gives compactness to Nano.
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  • zaveri

    MemberJun 8, 2013


    the passenger cars are front wheel drives.
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  • PuneetVerma

    MemberJun 8, 2013

    Bro, Don't you mean by Passenger cars as normal hatchbacks ?

    As far as I Know, they are rear wheel powered.
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  • zaveri

    MemberJun 8, 2013


    yes i mean the normal hatchback cars such as santro, swift, indica, etc.

    most of them are front wheel driven, dude. if you have such a car at home, then better check that out your self. just have a look at its rear axle.

    and if you say that they are rear wheel driven, then here is something for you to think about : is there any space at all for a propeller shaft, which would connect a frontally placed engine to the rear axle ?
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  • PuneetVerma

    MemberJun 8, 2013

    yeah, I just rechecked again.... normally hatchbacks are front wheel drive and SUVs come as rear wheel drive
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  • Sanoj Rajan

    MemberJun 10, 2013

    You can have 4 permutations with the position of the engine and the driving axle.
    3 of them works fine, as the fellow CrazyEngineers mentioned above.

    But, FWD on a rear mounted engine???
    Ummm... Well, only if your preference is to enjoy drifting whiling turning, rather than a safe n smooth commute !!
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  • vikaskumar11233

    MemberJun 13, 2013

    In 3 wheeler back side will be good and in 4 wheeler engine in the front will be suitable.
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  • gohm

    MemberJun 14, 2013

    Place the engine to have the lowest center of gravity possible and also for even weight distribution (front/rear & side/side). For some designs this could be front, mid or rear.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberJun 16, 2013

    Many of the fellow CEians discussed about power distribution and centre of gravity.But main concern is that what may be the best for safety of passengers.The best was to place engine in front of vehicle which will take the impact of collision and the probability of passengers to make it was high.hence I suggest to place engine at front.thank you.
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  • Sanoj Rajan

    MemberJun 16, 2013

    Many of the fellow CEians discussed about power distribution and centre of gravity.But main concern is that what may be the best for safety of passengers.The best was to place engine in front of vehicle which will take the impact of collision and the probability of passengers to make it was high.hence I suggest to place engine at front.thank you.
    That's not how it works !!
    In case of a head-on collision, the front should be such that, it gets totally damaged, absorbing all the shock so that the shock doesn't get transmitted to the passenger cabin !!
    In the case of the vehicles presently being used with a front engine, the safety is incorporated by putting in enough space between different components and accessories of the engine, at the cost of cabin space (as all of them are trying to keep their vehicle at sub-4m length).
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  • Sanoj Rajan

    MemberJun 16, 2013

    And why do they put the engine up front???
    Its for the purpose of efficient cooling, easy linkages for the clutch and the gear box !!
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  • Jeffrey Arulraj

    MemberJun 17, 2013

    Sanoj Rajan
    And why do they put the engine up front???
    Its for the purpose of efficient cooling, easy linkages for the clutch and the gear box !!
    So in your opinion the front engine placement is better then where will be the drive be

    Front wheel drive or back wheel drive I am getting confused

    If i have engine in the front the drive to the front wheel will be easier to establish than to rear wheel Am I right

    But heavy vehicles have rear wheel drives though the engines are placed in the front
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  • zaveri

    MemberJun 17, 2013


    The engine is not meant for taking the impact of the car, in case of an accident.

    the car body is generally is divided into the "crumple zone" and the "passenger zone"

    the crumple zone is the frontal portion, which is made so soft that it gets crushed or crumpled and takes up the impact, while the passenger zone is made stiff to protect the occupants.

    Now the engine is placed in the front for other reasons, and not for doubling up as a bumper in case of accidents.
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  • zaveri

    MemberJun 17, 2013

    So in your opinion the front engine placement is better then where will be the drive be

    Front wheel drive or back wheel drive I am getting confused

    If i have engine in the front the drive to the front wheel will be easier to establish than to rear wheel Am I right

    But heavy vehicles have rear wheel drives though the engines are placed in the front


    That is because since in heavy vehicles, owing to the heavy weight of the vehicle and the loads that they carry, "push" would be better than "pull".

    And since these are rear wheel driven, the case here is that of "push".
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberJun 17, 2013

    yes thanks for the info by Zaveri .i accept their views.i want to know which drive would be efficient if engine is at front and how?
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  • white_hat

    MemberJun 17, 2013

    Now with engine at front , you can either have front engine front wheel drive or front engine rear wheel drive.Both of these setups have their advantages and disadvantages.
    In FE FWD ,Engine and drivetrain has a more compact design, takes up less space.It is commonly used for small passenger cars.More space for passenger cabin.The weight of engine is on the driving wheels, ie the front wheels ,so this improves traction.Some of the other advantages are already mentioned in previous comments.
    FE FWD favours understeer.
    Cons: Complex design of engine, drivetrain, steering system.Difficult to repair.Expensive.

    In FE RWD , Engine ,drive train has simple design, easy to fit and repair.Most suitable for goods vehicle.Steering design is easier.
    FE RWD favours oversteer.
    Cons: Due to propeller shaft there should be a minimum ground clearance.So overall vehicle height is more.Less traction on driving wheels when there is no load.
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberJun 19, 2013

    thanks for the brief and neat info to white_hat
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  • Sanoj Rajan

    MemberJun 19, 2013


    The engine is not meant for taking the impact of the car, in case of an accident.

    the car body is generally is divided into the "crumple zone" and the "passenger zone"

    the crumple zone is the frontal portion, which is made so soft that it gets crushed or crumpled and takes up the impact, while the passenger zone is made stiff to protect the occupants.

    Now the engine is placed in the front for other reasons, and not for doubling up as a bumper in case of accidents.

    Engine is definitely not meant to take the impact. But given the fact that FE FWD is cheaper than all other options, they are incorporated in the hatchbacks.

    What i was informing is how do they avoid the shock being transmitted to the passenger cabin.
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  • Spaceship

    MemberJun 26, 2013

    where to place the engine either front or rear in four or three wheelers?if so why?list merits and demerits?
    In most cases, I'd go with a front engine. This is for both safety and storage space. As has been pointed out above, an engine is NOT meant to absorb the impact of a crash, and that is not the reason the engine goes in the front. However, while it is not designed to absorb impact, it can do so to a degree, and if I were to crash I'd rather have it there than not there.
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