Sean Ebersold
Member • Mar 18, 2014
PiScreen: A 3.5" TFT with touchscreen for the Raspberry Pi
Mark Williams submitted a new project:
#-Link-Snipped-# - PiScreen TFT, 480x320 with touch control
#-Link-Snipped-# - PiScreen TFT, 480x320 with touch control
PiScreen is designed to give everyone the opportunity of adding a small 3.5" TFT (480x320) display with touchscreen control to their Raspberry Pi.#-Link-Snipped-#
There are a large number of different TFT models available.
All come in different sizes and different controllers. Some require extra components and others do not. If this is all new to you, there is a very steep learning curve with getting these up and running.
For some of use, this can be a bit overwhelming. The aim of this Kickstarter is...