  • I'm currently working on a PHP project to create a web based code editor. It includes many PHP files. I'm now planning to convert them into python code to make it run on a minimalistic Python web framework). is almost straight forward python. I want to know how complex it would be to convert the files to Python application and make it work as expected. If possible can anyone give a few bare guidelines to follow to systematically do the process.
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberApr 28, 2013

    Hi Siraj,

    Good decision moving to Python.

    You will need to breakdown your project. Start with the models. Make a list by hand and put them in your framework. Then work towards the methods and functions.

    After that your views. Test your views by raw data output. i.e. Display nothing but the variables and some <br>.

    A Tip: I think you might be using Ajax calls for saving these files so user does not need to navigate into other window. This is done easily. Remember to specify the url for ajax calls.
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  • siraj.mussafirr

    MemberMay 2, 2013

    Hi Siraj,

    Good decision moving to Python.

    You will need to breakdown your project. Start with the models. Make a list by hand and put them in your framework. Then work towards the methods and functions.

    After that your views. Test your views by raw data output. i.e. Display nothing but the variables and some <br>.

    A Tip: I think you might be using Ajax calls for saving these files so user does not need to navigate into other window. This is done easily. Remember to specify the url for ajax calls.
    Thank you xheavenly.. I'll try my best.. The current application is not a PHP MVC. so i may not be able towork with your advice directly. I'll post here once i've done with it.. Thank you.. 😀
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