  • hello i am an aerospace student doing my II year B.Tech in Karunya University Coimbatore.
    Can you please send me some paper presentation topics for my course.Can you please email it to my email id . If possible please send me a soft copy also.Looking forward eagerly to receiving the topics.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 3, 2012

    Unfortunately, we are unable to do your homework.
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  • mechky

    MemberSep 4, 2012

    joseph issac
    hello i am an aerospace student doing my II year B.Tech in Karunya University Coimbatore.
    Can you please send me some paper presentation topics for my course.Can you please email it to my email id <removed>. If possible please send me a soft copy also.Looking forward eagerly to receiving the topics.

    I can suggest a topic- "Low Reynold Number Flow over Airfoils"
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