ORNL Nanocone Based Solar Cell For Photovoltaics

Scientists and researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have succeeded in creating 3D nanocone based cell platform which boosts the light to electric conversion capacity of the photovoltaics by 80%. The technology solves the problem of poor transportation of charges created by the solar photons. The flow of current (comprising of negatively charged electroncs and positively charged holes aka absence of electrons) is restricted by defects in materials and the interfaces resulting into overall degradation of performance.

In order to solve the entrapment problems faced by solar cells, the research team led by Jun Xu created a 3-D nanocone based solar cell, invented mechanisms and techniques to synthesize them. The team demoed the improved charge collection capabilities of these cells. The new structure of nano-cells comprises of n-type (made of zinc oxide) nanocones covered by p-type (cadmium telluride). This structure has helped the team to achieve a better efficiency of light to power conversion at 3.2% than conventional 1.8%. "We designed the three-dimensional structure to provide an intrinsic electric field distribution that promotes efficient charge transport and high efficiency in converting energy from sunlight into electricity," Xu said.

3D Nanocone Solar Cell. Credit: ORNL

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