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  • just2rock

    MemberMar 29, 2010

    i dont think s😨rkut is the place for the Generation...youngs knows it more & finds more interactive with Gtalk.So as par my views Facebook cant beat Orkut
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 29, 2010

    @J2R: Unfortunately, Facebook has already beaten Orkut almost everywhere. Its even became the #1 most visited site in India. Do check out the link in the first post.
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  • kumar_nitin

    MemberMar 29, 2010

    I agree completely with you Mr.Administrator. Orkut has now very much disturbances by Advertisements and hacking and fake profiles, and this is the major reason, I guess, why orkut is getting beaten up by facebook... but it has good points over facebook too.. such as it is more interactive and much easier to use for an average skilled internet user..

    whaT do you think CEans??????
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  • kunaljd

    MemberMar 29, 2010

    orkut is very much easy than facebook. but facebook have various applications, better looks and safety than orkut. once you are samiliar with it,it makes you additive.
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  • optimystix

    MemberMar 29, 2010

    this is a result of Google's overconfidence. They are trying to compete with anyone and everyone. They are just diversifying at a pace more than they can handle.

    Their Google Wave initiative was a super flop.
    it came and went.

    orkut is also loosing out at a fast pace.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorMar 29, 2010

    Unfortunately, that's true with most of Google's products - they are short lived. I believe they should keep focusing on search than poking nose everywhere 😛
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  • Ashraf HZ

    MemberMar 29, 2010

    They must have Thomas Edison as their role model, ya know, fail a thousand or so times before getting things right *grin*
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