Optical Battery Promises Solar Power Without Solar Cells

University Of Michigan researchers are trying to eliminate traditional semiconductor based solar cells to generate solar power. A recent discovery revealed unknown properties of light which may lead to creating optical battery which will eliminate the need of solar cells - an integral part of the traditional solar power production mechanisms.

It's a well known fact that light has electro-magnetic components. The effect of magnetic field of light was so small that researchers ignored it until now. However, Professor Stephen Rand and his team at Electrical Engineering & Computer Science department of University Of Michigan discovered that when light of specific intensity travels through a material that does not conduct electricity, light field can generate magnetic effect about 100 million times than expected.

Optical Battery

The discovery is still in nascent sstage and it may take a while for the technology to be available for mass consumption. It's however clear that mankind is taking rapid steps towards clean & green energy.

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