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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 28, 2006

    Great, Anoop!

    We'll take them up soon. Hang on till then! 😁

    -The Big K-
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  • crazy anoop

    MemberSep 28, 2006

    1. Let us talk about a project
    2. Select one
    3. Integrate CEians
    4. Start development
    5. Share the ideas and source codes
    6. Hurray, Long live CE!!!😁
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  • aashima

    MemberSep 29, 2006

    Nice idea. Why not start off with it? Starting a new project by CEans would be a great thing.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 1, 2006

    Pradypop did start a project few months ago ( we were around 300 CEans then ) but the project never took off.

    We'll definately start a project soon. All we need a team of dedicated, motivated CEans. If we take up such a project ( we will begin with a simple one ) , how many CEans are willing to join in? Post your replies in this thread.

    -The Big K-
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  • Neha

    MemberOct 1, 2006

    Starting a project at CE, that would be great!!

    Count me in..
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberOct 6, 2006

    Neha, since you are a CompCE I got something in mind if you are interested. Crazy anoop you too, if you are still active.

    Take a look at this #-Link-Snipped-# I wrote, its just an into. We can make the following:

    1. A temperature monitor which keeps a log of your room temp on your PC.
    2. Simple programmable lighting system for home (Decorative LED's)

    To get started you should be able to program in atleast C++ or VB. Even a little bit of Asm.

    These are just the starting projects. If you are willing we can make Home Automation too, but for now i guess its better to keep it aside.

    Regards 😁
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  • Neha

    MemberOct 7, 2006

    Lets start with temperature one if everyone is ready.

    I can program in C,C++ and JAVA, don't know anything about VB.
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberOct 7, 2006

    Sure Neha, Im in for it, ill start the project thread soon. And make a proper plan for it to take off. Till then please take a breif look at my PC Interfacing tutorial. Any Q, ask me there.

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  • pradypop

    MemberOct 10, 2006


    This link might help.
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberOct 10, 2006

    Escellent!!!! OhOh I got an idea just now, thinking how canI save this link! thanks a lot for the site 😀

    Ill let u know now, In a new Technical Thread.
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  • instruite

    MemberOct 10, 2006

    I guess the temperature thing might have been done several times
    In my view a new open source project should be a unique kind
    just my opinion
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberOct 11, 2006

    Well, I know the temp thing is done. its not about the open source exactly, but just a project, ill be starting a new thread so heere we can talk about the open source.

    Personaly I like to see something on AJAX, linux dev and Java for mobiles! Make some cool apps for mobiles, someone try that! It will be interesting and useful. 😀
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  • Neha

    MemberOct 28, 2006

    Well I am a JAVA learner but don't know anything about mobile programming. Will a program prepared in JAVA work with mobile or we need to learn some language differently?
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  • xheavenlyx

    MemberOct 28, 2006

    Well the protocols are the same and most o the syntax ( ii guess) but the SDK (software dev kit) i different. It comes under J2ME apps. It wont be that tough after you are comfie in Java.

    Keep going on Java, if you have any questions ask someone here who knows java😀
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  • aashima

    MemberOct 28, 2006

    May I know which programming languages are under considerartion to start up the new project?
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorOct 28, 2006

    May I know which programming languages are under consideration to start up the new project?
    It has to be the one with which most of the CEans interested in CE Project are comfortable with.

    Java, C++ are the preferred ones, I guess.

    -The Big K-
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  • aditi

    MemberNov 4, 2006

    i also want to join hands with you has this project started? if not then when is it going to start?
    i know c and c++.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorNov 4, 2006

    i also want to join hands with you has this project started? if not then when is it going to start?
    i know c and c++.
    The project is yet to start.

    We have an ongoing discussion in the following thread-

    The actual project will (probably) begin sometime in december after CE Forum Restructure.

    We are still in the idea generation mode 😁

    -The Big K-
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  • akravikanth

    MemberJan 4, 2007

    Peoples can tryout Mozilla framework to create full fledged applications.

    Like Java Struts, Mozilla is a framework used to create applications, perhaps cross platform using standars such as CSS, XML based XUL (XML Userinterface Language), RDF(Resource Description Framework).

    Even Mozilla firefox browser is built with this Mozilla framework. If u dont want to create applications, you can still develop extensions for Mozilla Firefox browser.
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  • crook

    MemberJan 5, 2007

    Peoples can tryout Mozilla framework to create full fledged applications.

    Like Java Struts, Mozilla is a framework used to create applications, perhaps cross platform using standars such as CSS, XML based XUL (XML Userinterface Language), RDF(Resource Description Framework).

    Even Mozilla firefox browser is built with this Mozilla framework. If u dont want to create applications, you can still develop extensions for Mozilla Firefox browser.
    That's a good suggestion. But how useful is it to develop our CE Messenger? 😒
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    MemberMar 18, 2012

    great idea
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  • Bhargavi A Kulkarni

    MemberJul 28, 2014

    Is this Project idea still on anybody's mind? I would like to apply for the Testing field in this project.
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