  • Based on Big K's and the tweets of all bloggers here's what happening with the once in a lifetime trip today:

    They went to Golan Heights and roamed about. Then they went to a brewery and watch some documentary. After that they went to a chocolate factory and actually 'made' chocolates and right now they are at the Jordan river for a swim along with the Israeli sunset.

    Let's hope we read an update from Biggie soon. 😀
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  • Neema Ambhurkar

    MemberSep 14, 2011

    That's really cool! Biggie is really having a wonderful time with so many new and exciting experiences. 😀
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorSep 14, 2011


    It's been a really wonderful day so far! We're just back to the hotel and tired. Keren, one of the organizers asked us to do a short video of our experiences today. This morning, we went to the GOLAN heights - a point in the northen Israel about 1200 meters above the sea level. The big thing about this place is that you can actually see Syria from the top and the cliff that separates the two enemy countries. We were guided by an army officer and it was great discussing all the issues Israel faces.

    From there we went to the chocolate factory to 'make' our own chocolates -


    That's The Big K's Chocolate! If anyone wants it; the cost is $899 per piece 😉

    Then we headed to the Jordan river and it's an awesome place. We were welcomed by Danny. Guess what? I actually swam in the Jordan River! (I'd have never imaged it in wildest of my dreams!) Unfortunately we couldn't be there for more than 45 minutes as we had to rush to the dinner. One of the organizers, Effi had organized a dinner for us and the restaurant was just next to the Sea of Jordan! What a beautiful dinner! 😉

    I've so many photos to share, but can't do it as there are connection issues. My first impressions about the trip are going live on the blog very soon!
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberSep 14, 2011

    Engineer's Chocolate is very costly. 😉

    Biggie we want all the photos please share them all. 😀

    Enjoy !! 😀
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  • Radhika Deshpande

    MemberSep 14, 2011

    Wow. Its seems very nice. how many you had?
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