  • hello guys every body get famillier with the name of the drone. when this name is comes out every budy thinks about the spying a area from sky. yes it is used for that but now its area goes broader friends complmets that it uses the drone for the package delivery it is a faster process.
    The amazon CEO tells during an interview he told that the drone is used for the package delivering. It should be a mini drone of weight 2.27kg and it is used the deliver the package in the range of 16km of a amazon distrubution centres.
    He gives a demo also and tells that the drone will be able to deliver the package in just 30 mintutes.
    The social media sites give so much comments after this announcements and the one comment is that on says now the things will be fallen from sky.
    Guys in the view of an engineer it is a great thing it should be able to increase the craze for the online shopping and also it increses the performance of a company for package delivery.
    The begining of online shoping is started from 1984 and the first online shoping is happen from the B2C home shoping telivision. After that Tim Banars lee will develops the first online server in 1990 after that it develops day by day and in 1994 there is a begining of the online banking and pizza hut and now every person is familier with the online shopping. It must be said that he is afraid to use it at some places but it becomes so odd and the limits of online shopping increases day by day.
    Guys what you think about this news is it nice or not because it is also be able to increase the unemployement in india. what you say friends?
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