  • Nokia Asha 306 has been making rounds of the tech blogs for quite some time now.
    It has a 3-inch touch screen and features the cloud-accelerated Nokia Browser.
    Here's a list of specifications on the official Nokia website - #-Link-Snipped-#

    Also, Check this video with rather loud music, featuring Nokia Asha 306 -

    What do you think gadget freaks? Will you give Nokia a chance for this one?
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  • Vivien.hugo

    MemberJun 6, 2012

    I like Nokia mobilephone, but the shape of this one is not much impressive to me.
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJun 7, 2012

    Nokia is fighting against iPhone and Android Marlet, Let's see what Asha can do for Nokia.
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