  • zaveri

    MemberSep 28, 2013

    Noise made by motors

    This thread is about the electric motors that power our household appliances.

    Now how come that the motors used in grinders, vacuum cleaners, sewing machines etc make a lot of noise while operating, whereas those used for fans, refrigerators , air conditioners are silent ( or atleast are far less noisy).
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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberSep 28, 2013

    This may not be the answer but this info could help.I found that fans use a single phase induction motor with capacitor in series but grinders and mixers use a universal motor.Universal motors are compact and can produce or rotate at high speed.It produces high starting torque.
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  • zaveri

    MemberSep 28, 2013

    maybe you are right, because sewing machine motors make a lot of noise and they are universal motors.

    by the way what kind of motors are used in refrigerators, ACs and washing machines.
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