  • Twitter has unveiled its new Twitter bird logo. They say they wanted to get rid of the "small case t" letter that appears on Twitter buttons.
    The new bird they say does grow out of love for ornithology, design within creative constraints, and simple geometry. This bird is crafted purely from three sets of overlapping circles — similar to how your networks, interests and ideas connect and intersect with peers and friends. Whether soaring high above the earth to take in a broad view, or flocking with other birds to achieve a common purpose, a bird in flight is the ultimate representation of freedom, hope and limitless possibility.

    See a video -
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  • Vivien.hugo

    MemberJun 6, 2012

    Well, creative design and I like the music of this video!😉
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  • Dancer_Engineer

    MemberJun 6, 2012

    Wow! That's creative and a beautiful simple logo. 😍
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  • Harshad Italiya

    MemberJun 7, 2012

    I like this new tweet tweet birdy.
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