  • Aggression - An unprovoked attack by an enemy

    Sortie -

    Verb: Come out from a defensive position to make an attack.
    Noun: An attack made by troops coming out from a position of defense.

    Belligerents - Nations carrying on warfare

    Conscription -
    Compulsory enrollment as soldiers and sailors

    Casualties -
    The killed or wounded in battle

    Convoy - A number of ships traveling together under escort for the sake of safety

    Contraband - Smuggling of goods and engaging in prohibited traffic

    Espionage - the act or the practice of spying

    Evacuate - To remove from one place to another to avoid the destruction of war

    Embargo - An order prohibiting the ships to leave the ports

    Mobilize - to make troops and ships for war services

    Vanguard - troops sent in advance, forefront of an army

    Invade -
    To enter another country as an enemy

    Neutral -
    Taking neither side in a struggle

    Alien - An illegal foreigner in a country

    Intern - To keep citizens in confinement

    Ammunition -
    Shells, bombs and other destructive items

    Ordnance -
    Heavy guns and army store-items

    Bayonet - A knife fixed on to the end of a gun

    Parole - A promise given by the prisoner if given a temporary release

    Puttees - Long cloths bound round the legs of soldiers from ankle to knee

    Reveille - Music for awakening the soldiers in the morning

    Arsenal - A place where naval or military weapons are made or stored

    Parachute - An apparatus which opens like an umbrella to enable a person to drop safely from an aircraft

    Volley - A shower of bullets

    Salvo - The firing of many guns at the same time to mark an occasion

    Cavalry -

    Infantry - Foot-soldiers

    Fusillade - A number of fire arms discharged continuously

    Reconnoiter - To make an examination of enemy territory

    Armistice -
    An agreement to stop fighting

    Capitulate - To surrender to an enemy on agreed terms

    Annihilate - To reduce to nothing

    Amnesty -
    A general pardon of offenders

    Battalion -
    the main division of an army

    Besiege - To surround a place with the intention of capturing it

    Recruit -
    A soldier recently enlisted for services

    Furlough - A soldier’s holiday
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