  • 1. Even though Byron is frequently glib, it is still hard to dismiss him as a ____ thinker.
    A. superficial
    B. profound
    C. lightweight
    D. lucid
    E. verbose
    F. uncompromising

    Far from being an innocent prank, their action is a ____ attempt to spoil my reputation.
    A. malicious
    B. salubrious
    C. naive
    D. saturnine
    E. innocuous
    F. callous

    Although his findings were initially greeted with ____ , the unlikely hero was finally vindicated when the French Academy acknowledged his work.
    A. derision
    B. accolades
    C. commendations
    D. sympathy
    E. jubilation
    F. incredulity

    Their latest theory aims to integrate the seemingly ____ elements of twenty years of research to form a coherent
    A. relevant
    B. sporadic
    C. incessant
    D. disparate
    E. discrete
    F. extensive

    Svensson’s ____ in his work earned him few friends: his colleagues probably thought that he would be unwilling to overlook their foibles.
    A. xenophobia
    B. mendacity
    C. meticulousness
    D. intuition
    E. punctiliousness
    F. prevarication

    Icons would be well-advised to write their own memoirs; there are too many ____ writers out there who forego accuracy to pander to the preconceptions of the market.
    A. creative
    B. lackluster
    C. hackneyed
    D. sycophantic
    E. fawning
    F. best-selling

    Both commentators noted the way that Dylan can submerge himself in tradition while somehow managing to create works of startling ____.
    A. gestation
    B. singularity
    C. provenance
    D. conservatism
    E. nonchalance
    F. originality

    When aid is given to an autocracy, the donors are prone to rationalize their decision to support non-democratic governments, and thus lay themselves open to the charge of ____.
    A. negligence
    B. hypocrisy
    C. equivocation
    D. slander
    E. autonomy
    F. nepotism

    The insertion of a fiction into a news bulletin cannot be condoned, but inserting propaganda for a good cause seems less ____.
    A. untoward
    B. democratic
    C. reprehensible
    D. credible
    E. insupportable
    F. utilitarian

    In showing the shocking images of depravity and degradation, the curators of the art museum said that the importance of historical accuracy outweighed the danger of encouraging ____.
    A. prurience
    B. avarice
    C. vandalism
    D. voyeurism
    E. outrage
    F. torture
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  • anujd1488

    MemberNov 17, 2011

    1)ac 2)af 3)af 4)be 5)ce 6)de 7)Ad 8)ef 9)ac 10)bf
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  • anujd1488

    MemberNov 18, 2011

    pls post the correct answers...
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  • anujd1488

    MemberNov 20, 2011

    Are you sure? This action cannot be undone.
  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorNov 20, 2011

    The correct answers are -

    1. AC
    2. AF
    3. AF
    4. DE
    5. CE
    6. DE
    7. BF
    8. BC
    9. CE
    10. AD
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