  • Kaustubh

    MemberNov 27, 2006

    New Feature: Multi Quote


    Its a pleasure to introduce new feature on our beloved CE forums - The Multi Quote Feature! [​IMG]

    Did you notice the "[​IMG]" button in each post? That's multi-quote button!

    How to use -

    Let's say you want to quote post 1, post 2 in your reply. So you will click on '[​IMG] button in post 1 & post 2, and then click on 'Post Reply' button.

    Automatically, posts 1 & 2 will be quoted in your reply. No need to copy-paste text from each post!

    I hope this will be useful to all!

    Feel free to try out the new feature in our Newbie training center 😁


    -The Big K-
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