  • hello friends,

    I recently went through some proverbs that were published in a personality development magazine and remained completely alien to some of them

    these include

    • good wine needs no bush
    • his heart is in his boots
    • facts are stubborn things
    • example is better that pretext
    • every man must carry his own cross
    could you please enlighten me with the meanings of these proverbs.
    thank you..
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  • AbhinavS

    MemberMay 5, 2013

    Everyman must carry his own cross: You must have seen that advertisement which says,"Apna luck pehenke chalo". Well, this is something related to the problems in ones life. Every man should carry his own problems and try to solve them. Because at the end of the day your abilities take you distances. 😀
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  • AbhinavS

    MemberMay 5, 2013

    his heart in his boots:a state of sadness/sorrow.😭
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  • ursplfrnd

    MemberMay 6, 2013

    Good wine needs no bush : No need to popularize(establish ,advertise) it when something(good,thing,here wine) is already good.
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  • Ankita Katdare

    AdministratorMay 6, 2013

    • example is better that pretext
    A pretext is a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason. Since, it won't be the truth, why won't a solid real-life example be better?
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