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  • CE Designer

    MemberJan 31, 2012

    You will need drawings to support your idea espeacially if it is for a physical model. When you go to the patent agency to patent your idea i am certain they will ask you to produce drawings. Its like this, you will know what is in your head, and you will try to explain it in your own words. People reading what you write may not see the same picture in their heads. This is why the drawings become so important. For this reason i dont think you can use words only to patent a physical creation.
    P.S. Look up some existing patents to see #-Link-Snipped-#
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  • Naveen Rathee

    MemberJan 31, 2012

    CE Designer
    You will need drawings to support your idea espeacially if it is for a physical model. When you go to the patent agency to patent your idea i am certain they will ask you to produce drawings. Its like this, you will know what is in your head, and you will try to explain it in your own words. People reading what you write may not see the same picture in their heads. This is why the drawings become so important. For this reason i dont think you can use words only to patent a physical creation.
    P.S. Look up some existing patents to see #-Link-Snipped-#
    thanx for reply
    i will work on drawing and hope gonna complete it till march
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  • Ramani Aswath

    MemberJan 31, 2012

    Arthur C Clarke conceived of a grid of Geostationary satellites for communication. Unfortunately this was well before there was any launch vehicle. He could not patent it.
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