Member • May 16, 2008
Member • May 16, 2008
Member • May 16, 2008
Member • May 16, 2008
Member • May 17, 2008
Well if you have just finished third year, and you wish to make a hybrid car or a bio fuel one, then, frankly speaking you are too late to start such a project. Even if you make one, it will not be a large scale model. But if you have entered third year then yes, you have the time to make it possible. What type of hybrid do you wish to make. How much have you researched till now. Give some detail, so that we can know how much start you have made, and then we will help you further.mdronsubbshello Gohm,i have not yet decided about the specifications of the project.but my basic interest in automobiles is to develop a hybrid car or car running on any of the natural resources and stuff like that.And about robotics its a very vast field so i dont know much about this.So can u please enligthen me
Member • May 18, 2008
Member • May 18, 2008