m student of final ...m swant to start my final yaer project in Speech Enhancement...plz help me in that ...plz tell me abt latest resecrch paper on it...
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but i cant understand the parameters used in it ...please if u help me out m very thank ful to u .
%SPECTRALSUBTRACTION performs speech enhancement using spectral subtraction [OUT,PO]=SS(IN,FS,P)
% implementation of spectral subtraction algorithm
% noisy speech IN with fs=FS enhanced by SS and returned in OUT, P is the algorithm parameters as bellow:
% algorithm parameters: t* in seconds, f* in Hz, k* dimensionless
% 1: tg = smoothing time constant for signal power estimate (0.04): high=reverberant, low=musical
% 2: ta = smoothing time constant for signal power estimate used in noise estimation (0.1)
% 3: tw = fft window length (will be rounded up to 2^nw samples)
% 4: tm = length of minimum filter (1.5): high=slow response to noise increase, low=distortion
% 5: to = time constant for oversubtraction factor (0.08)
% 6: fo = oversubtraction corner frequency (800): high=distortion, low=musical
% 7: km = number of minimisation buffers to use (4): high=waste memory, low=noise modulation
% 8: ks = oversampling constant (4)
% 9: kn = noise estimate compensation (1.5)
% 10:kf = subtraction floor (0.02): high=noisy, low=musical
% 11:ko = oversubtraction scale factor (4): high=distortion, low=musical
I'm doing the same thing for my final year project as well. Mine is on multi-channel speech enhancement. I am supposed to develop a simulation tool using MATLAB.
Currently I have read loads of stuffs on microphone array processing, delay and sum beamforming, etc.... But I have no idea on how to start writing the code. Can someone give me a sample coding regarding this project? I'd like to refer to it to start off since my MATLAB knowledge is very low.
write the algorithm first,then develop each module and combine them,these are the basic things to write any code same applies here!!!......happy coding!!