  • Pensu

    MemberSep 5, 2011

    Need help in Vmware

    Hey ppl,

    I have installed ubuntu 9.10 on vmware which is installed on widows 7. Now i need to start Wi-fi connection on this machine, but it doesnt detect any network. Can anyone help me with this.
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  • Cameron_W

    MemberSep 5, 2011

    Simply go to the settings menu of your Vmware and it will show your ubuntu configeration..just an a wireless device..and enjoy!!
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  • Kishan Gupta

    MemberSep 5, 2011

    You are asking for Windows 7 or Ubuntu?
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  • Pensu

    MemberSep 8, 2011

    @krishan: I have installed Ubuntu on Vmware which in turn installed on Windows 7. I hope u get it now.

    @Cameron: Can u please elaborate that a little more????
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  • SheldonCooper

    MemberOct 5, 2011

    Does it show any wired network?
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