  • tobu.aniket

    MemberAug 1, 2011

    Need HELP in my Project

    I am making a web interface to use applications installed on server.
    Main idea is to have no applications installed on the client pc.

    I am faceing a difficulty in linking TURBO C++.

    If any one knows any open source C/C++ compiler it would be of great help.
    Also as I am new to OPEN SOURCE, I want help for building, compiling and debugging source codes of Open source apps.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberAug 2, 2011

    Is it similar to Google Chrome OS? If so, just check out the developer's section for the source code and guide for Google Chrome OS. 😀
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  • tobu.aniket

    MemberAug 3, 2011

    Actually I want to command applications of server using web browser only.
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  • PraveenKumar Purushothaman

    MemberAug 3, 2011

    You have seen Plesk and cPanel right? The same concept can be used. I am waitingfor an Developer Key of cPanel... 😀 So once I get the source code, I can share it with you... 😀
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