  • Hey guys ,
    I have decided to get a new system for Computer Graphics Rendering purposes . I would like to know your views about what processor and motherboard OR a particular combination is good .I have set my budget for 25k-35k for both processor and motherboard or can do around 10k more .
    help me 😀
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJan 26, 2013

    Graphics card plays major role in graphics rendering system.
    Have you selected graphics card? If yes, then tell us it's details about PCIe slot & we'll suggest motherboard supporting it.

    PS : Nvidia's cards with specific CUDA cores or quadro 5000/6000 series(or any mid to highend quadro series) are designed for specific graphics rendering purpose.
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  • Anoop Kumar

    MemberJan 27, 2013

    if you can stractch your budget by 10k you can build very good high end machine.
    See #-Link-Snipped-#, you might get some idea.

    For a graphics rendering , Get this #-Link-Snipped-# processor with compatible and latest Asus motherboard with Corsair 600w PSU/500 would also works find with mid range graphics cars. Don't compromise with quality of CPU+Motherboard+PSU components.
    Why 600w PSU: you might upgrade your graphics card/CPU in future.
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  • Slay3r_17

    MemberJan 27, 2013

    Here is the issue !! I am just starting from a scratch . Isnt there an issue with AMD processor and macintosh ? I read somewhere they don't go along well ..
    If that is the case , Intel would be a good choice as I like to have multiple OS .
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberJan 27, 2013

    Here is the issue !! I am just starting from a scratch . Isnt there an issue with AMD processor and macintosh ?
    You mean hackintosh, right?
    Well, there are not any heavy issues but there are certain steps to be followed for successful installation.

    I am huge fan of AMD when it comes to gaming, but for graphics workstation intel's processor & Overclockable Asus or ASRock motherboard is smart choice.

    PS : Without good CUDA cores graphics card, or Nvidia's quadro FX cards or ATI's Firepro gfx card, your workstation is nothing but a gaming station. You will need Quadro or Firepro card or CUDA cores card for better performance.
    I recommend Quadro FX series by Nvidia.
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