  • Hi guys, Basically I am from B.E mechanical Department completed in 2012 and My interest is to get into IT field ..For that I have to study all the computer fundamentals and programming languages and also advise How to get into IT field and Where to start the basics and where to end...PLease advise...
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  • Abhishek Rawal

    MemberAug 18, 2013

    Where to start ?
    Most people starts with C language, while some with Python. (However C is programming language while Python is scripting language)
    You should start with C, it will be cumbersome in the beginning, but if you'll stick to the goal, the path ahead will be easy. You'll find easy to learn other programming languages.

    I suggest you to read : 'C For Dummies' (I understand that book is very lame, but for beginners it's quite good) ; then read book by Brian Kernighan (Best book on C I have ever read) : <a href="" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a> .
    Don't go for 'Let Us C' that book is whack.

    Now after learning C, you can choose any programming language as per your domain.

    Where to end ?
    No end.
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  • Abhijit Dey

    MemberAug 18, 2013

    First of all you need to decide to what extent to want to learn. Then you could go on learning and going deeper into it.

    I would suggest you to visit #-Link-Snipped-#

    Here you can learn a lot from video lectures and notes. They have helped me a lot.
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 18, 2013

    As @#-Link-Snipped-# said, it's better to start with C programming language to get a taste of programming. Your best bet to enter IT field is through campus recruitment or by gaining some experience first in smaller companies, building your skill-set and experience for about 2-3 years and then making a shift.
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  • Nayan Goenka

    MemberAug 19, 2013

    C-programming can be rightly called as mother of modern programming languages. you can also opt for JAVA if you want. But once you are thorough with any of these languages, learning any other new language in least possible time can be done. Your company will also train you on any new environment if you are supposed to work on it.
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