  • Recently, astronomers observed a blue moving planet using Hubble Space Telescope.

    Now, NASA has discovered a large new planet, colored a deep magenta and just 57 light years from earth. This is making this a second planet whose color has been directly observed by the astronomers.

    This Magenta planet, GJ 504b, is about the size of Jupiter and several times its mass. The discovery of this planet has shaken all the Planet formation theories.

    GJ 504b

    “This is among the hardest planets to explain in a traditional planet-formation framework,” researcher Markus Janson said in a press release. “Its discovery implies that we need to seriously consider alternative formation theories, or perhaps to reassess some of the basic assumptions in the core-accretion theory.”

    Seems like there is way too much things that are yet to be discovered to astronomers.

    Sources - NASA Finds A Pink Planet That Challenges Current Theories

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  • Sarathkumar Chandrasekaran

    MemberAug 9, 2013

    yah man these type of discoveries show that Humans are not superior to anything and Could you explain what are the assumptions early made were thought to be false as said by Markus(if you know share it here ji #-Link-Snipped-#)
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  • Kaustubh Katdare

    AdministratorAug 9, 2013

    Not a technical discussion topic. Thread moved.
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